Chapter 2

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Sarah took a deep breath. You can do this. As you walked closer to the boy, she heard him mumbling to himself as he was fiddling with his phone.

"Hi," Sarah said, greeting him. "You seem a bit lost, do you need help?"

Mark looked up at her, revealing his face to her.

Dammit, I hope it's not another fangirl. He thought to himself.

"No, it's okay. I'm good." He gave her a a quick smile to show that he was good before trying to search on his phone again. Sarah took this as her cue to leave but the sigh that escaped Mark's lips the second she turned showed that he actually wasn't good. She turned back to him.

"You know there's no service down here, right?" He lifted his head.

"What?!" He exclaimed.

"We're not in South Korea, you can't search on your phone down here." Sarah said pointing to the phone in his hand.

"Oh." Mark put his phone in his pocket clearly flustered. Sarah looked at the boy in front of her, who was clearly clueless.

"What station are you trying to get to? Let me help you." She offered again. Mark shuffled between his two feet, debating if he should trust her.

"I'm not trying to stalk you or anything, I just want to help." No response. Sarah rolled her eyes, and took out her phone, checking the time. 5:52 pm. She sighed before passing her phone over to Mark.

"Here." She said to him, causing him to stare at the phone.

"It's okay, I don't want your phone. Or did you want a picture, because we can take one if you want, I guess." Sarah shook her head, smiling at Mark's words.

"I just want to help. You can take my phone to make sure I don't send your location to anyone, I know the system well enough to travel without it. I live alone and I don't really have much to do so don't worry about me. You've been staring between the map and your phone for five minutes now, and clearly, you're not any closer to getting to where you want to go, I might as well help. Besides, you'll probably be here for hours if you don't have someone guiding you."

Mark smiled at her last phrase knowing that it was quite true. He didn't really want to take the girl's help but he was already running late and knew his manager would start worrying soon if he wasn't back soon. Mark reluctantly took the girl's phone, placing it in his pocket.

"I'm headed to the Distillery District."


The two young adults waited on the platform for the train to come.

Sarah had given mark a deep breakdown of how to get to the Distillery District, explain which subway train and street car to ride, but her words went in one ear and out the other. He scratched the back of his neck, clearly confused, so Sarah decided to go with him and Mark let her.

Sarah's hands felt empty without being able to go on her phone. She glanced at Mark, who was patiently waiting, glancing around. He head moved to her direction, surprising her.

"You clearly know who I am, but I still don't know your name." Mark said to her.

"My name is Sarah." She said, introducing herself.

"Sarah?" He asked, confirming her name. She nodded.

"Nice to meet you, Sarah." Mark stuck his hand out for handshake. Sarah paused, hesitating for a moment before taking his hand and shaking it.

Have you watched NCT Dream's track videos? They're beautiful~

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