Chapter 3

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"Why are you here?" Sarah asked Mark. He was taken aback by the question.

"What do you mean?" Mark asked her back.

"I mean why are you here, in Canada. Aren't you busy promoting or filming or something?" Oh, that's what she meant. Mark thought to himself.

"The company gave me a two-week break to kind of find time for myself." He told her, shifting his weight between his feet. He paused and looked up at the girl beside him.


"Mark, are you good?" Johnny asked him in English as he lied on the floor of the dance studio.

"Yeah, just tired, that's all." Mark responded, smiling. He got back up rehearse the dance for the music show again. It was 2 am in the morning and they had been rehearsing since 12 pm, only taking a break for dinner.

"Mark, don't forget, we're flying to America for your schedule with Super M tomorrow and then coming back once that's over. Once we land back in Korea, we have to go straight to the music show, so make sure you have your bags packed." His manager told him as he entered the van that would take him back to the dorm. Mark nodded, acknowledging his manager's words.

The next day, his manager woke him up, earlier than he expected.

"Sorry Mark, but can you get ready to go. The CEO would like to speak to you before your schedule for the day." Mark groaned.

"Okay, I'll be ready in a bit."


Once the secretary saw Mark and his manager, she brought them into the CEO's office. He told them to take a seat.

"Hi Mark, how are you doing?" He asked Mark.

"I'm good, everything is going smoothly." He answered respectfully.

"That's good to hear. You haven't really gotten a break since your debut, have you? With the NCT units and Super M, it's been a lot, hasn't it?" The CEO asked him.

"I can be hard sometimes, but I can handle it. This is what I love to do." Mark answered with a smile.

"That's good to hear." The CEO laced his fingers and placed them on the desk. "I called you in here today because I'm going to let you go on a break."

"MWO?" Mark suddenly exclaimed and then apologized and bowed. The CEO simply laughed.

"A vacation, Mark, not hiatus. After your schedule for this week, take two weeks off to go travelling. Visit your family or something. Get away from the korean scene. Maybe go back to Canada for a bit. Take some time for yourself, okay? Just let your manager know where you want to go and we'll cover the fees. Just note that your manager will be going with you so you're not completely alone" Mark simply nodded, not knowing what to say.

"Great! Enjoy your vacation Mark."


"Once they told me about it, I told my parents and they suggested that I take this time to go visit a special place on my own and learn a bit more about myself." He continued.

"And you chose.... Toronto?" Sarah said, a little surprised.

"Yeah," Mark said, a small laugh escaping his lips, agreeing with how ridiculous it sounded.


"Eomma, I miss you a lot." Mark said to his mom over the phone, a tear falling down his face.

"I miss you too, my son. I still don't think you should come to Vancouver though, you always come here. Go somewhere else, somewhere you want to learn more about." His mother responded.

"I don't know where else to go, Europe isn't really appealing and I'm always in the States." Mark said.

"Maybe Toronto? You always ask me about your childhood there." His mom suggested.

"That's not a bad idea. Thanks mom! I love you." Mark told her, hanging up the phone. He heard shuffling and saw Haechan at the door.

"O Canada." Haechan said, causing the two boys to laugh.


"I was born here, this is my birth city and I know nothing about it. So I thought I'd take this time to learn more about this city." Sarah nodded at Mark's words, barely understanding but respecting his decision.

The subway train approached the platform. Sarah motioned to the edge, signalling to Mark that they will be getting on this train.

Mark works so hard, he deserves a break :(

Here's some more Mark Leeeeee

Here's some more Mark Leeeeee

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