Chapter 12

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Wonderland was beautiful, Mark thought as the two of them strolled through the park. Night had fallen and the lights on each ride lit the park up. Sarah pointed to a ride in the mdidle of the park. It brought riders high above the park, softly spinning them around as they moved up the tower.

"We should go on that one, you get a nice night view of the park." Sarah told him. Mark gulped as he looked up, seeing how high it was.

"It spins you gently, a lot of people film videos up there." Sarah reassured him. Mark took a deep breath, hand over his chest.

"Okay, let's go on it." Mark said, walking into the line. Sarah smiled as the followed him.


"Woah, you can really feel the wind up here." Mark said as the ride made it's way up. Sarah laughed as she tried to hold her hair in place.

"Yeah, it's pretty strong actually." Sarah replied. Mark reached out, grabbing her hand to put it down. Sarah turned to look at him.

"Let the wind do it's thing, you look fine." Mark told her with a small smile. Sarah hestitated before letting her hair fly.

"The view is really nice up here." Sarah said, looking the park. Mark agreed, looking out at the view. Everything felt so nice up there. It was like time had completely stopped. He looked out at the rides, hearing people scream from the rollercoasters. He took a look at the girl beside him as she admired the view. She's beautiful, Mark silently thought, surprising himself. During the past few days, the two have gotten so much closer, it felt like they had known each other for a lifetime. Never had Mark felt such a deep connection with someone other than his family and fellow NCT members. Sarah was like a breath a fresh air to him, something so simple yet so beautiful. He felt pure happiness around her, a feeling that he didn't know he was longing for.

"Hey Sarah," Mark said, grabbing her hand. Sarah looked down, surprised. She looked at Mark, who gave her a reassuring smile, locking their fingers together.

"Thank you so much for bringing me here." Mark said, as they gazed into each other's eyes.

"Anytime, Mark." Sarah said, smiling back at him.


"We didn't play any carnival games." Mark pointed out as they got off the ride. Sarah chuckled as they walked.

"That's because they're all rigged, you always lose." Sarah told him.

"Watch." She said, pointing to a man playing a ring toss game. The two stopped near the stand, watching the man toss ring after ring, missing every time.

"I'm sure there's one game I can win." Mark said, pulling Sarah along as he gazed at his options. Mark noticed Sarah staring at the large plush toy, hanging from one of the games. He stopped in front of that game, looking at the person attempting it.

This game was a swinging ladder game. In order to win the prize, the player had to balance themselves on the ladder, making their way up, pressing the button on the end. The catch was balance, as most people fell off the ladder as it spun. The two young adults watched as the person in front of them grunted, falling off the ladder.

"I want to try this one." Mark told Sarah. Sarah shook her head.

"This one looks really hard, I'm not sure if it's worth it." Sarah told him. Mark reassured her, calling the worker over.

"I'd like to try please." Mark said, handing over a bill. Sarah sighed as she watch Mark attempt the game.

Mark was off to a great start, balancing well as he went up. Sarah was surprised at how far he made it, his fingers inches away from the button. As Mark extended his fingers, the ladder suddenly twisted, making Mark lose balance, falling on his bottom. Sarah tried not to giggle at Mark's disappointed face.

"Aw you were so close." Sarah said as Mark got off. He pouted as he turned to the worker.

"Yeah, you were so close man. Here, I'll show you once how it's done." The worker said to Mark, making his way to the bottom of the ladder. Mark closely watched the worker make his way up the ladder, examining every detail of his movements. He watched the worker easily reach out, pressing the button before hopping off. Ah, that's what I wasn't doing, Mark figured out as he realized he was forgetting one little detail.

"Mark, it's okay. We can always just do something else." Sarah said to him. Mark shook his head.

"I'm determined on winning this." Mark said, handing the worker another bill. Sarah wore a small pout, feeling guilty as she took a step back. She watched as Mark slowly made his way up the ladder, every move made with precision.

Almost there, Mark steadied himself, holding his breath as his body copied the position he saw earlier. He slowly extended his hand, leaning forward ever so slightly.


Mark laughed as the ladder spun, throwing him down. He turned towards Sarah, who's mouth had dropped in surprise.

"See, I told you I could do it!" Mark said as he ran towards Sarah, giving her a tight hug. He felt Sarah stiffen and then realized his surroundings. He let go of the girl, awakwardly taking a step back as he fixed his cap.

"Wow, good job, I'm impressed." Sarah said, avoiding eye contact as she tried to hide the blush spreading on her cheeks. The worker approached Mark, giving him a high five.

"Good job man, what prize would you like?" The worker asked him. Mark glanced at Sarah before smiling and pointing to the toy she was eyeing before.

"That one please." The worker took the plush toy off the ceiling, handing it to Mark. Mark thanked the worker before walking towards Sarah.

"For you." Mark said, handing the Sarah the large plushie.


Mark popping up on the dreamies' concert had me dyingggg

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Mark popping up on the dreamies' concert had me dyingggg

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