Chapter 2

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Vicki's POV:

"Oh! Can you guys hear that cheering?  Sounds like it's the end of the show!  Vic & I are going to head off now before the girls come back up to the dressing rooms.  Thanks for joining us!"

"Byeeeeeeee! Love you lots!" I added before Courtney turned off the live.  

"Now, that was a long one!", fifty minutes it had been! Nonetheless it was always great fun to go live whilst we were waiting backstage for the show to finish.  Gave us something to do and it's always lovely to interact with the fans.

Out of no where I heard a faint yell and the sound of something banging against a wall in amongst the cheers.  Courtney looked to me, she looked confused and lost - as was I.  Without a moment more to think we heard an even louder thud that sounded as if it was just outside our door.  Courtney leapt from her chair and I rushed to follow her, she swung open the door only to reveal a head of brown hair and bright green dress slumped across the floor.  

"MILLIE!", Courtney screamed.  

 I heard loud and fast footsteps from the stairs behind me as everyone rushed to Courtney's cry.

I briefly locked eyes with Maiya who had just appeared from the stairs before we all rushed towards Millie and knelt down around her. Maiya held onto Millie's hand rubbing it gently.  Courtney knelt at Millie's head, she was snapping her fingers about Millie's face, 

"Millie, can you hear me? It's me Courtney.  Millie.  Can you hear me? Can you hear me.  I can feel her breathing but it's not strong.  Millie?  Can you squeeze Maiya's hand?", there was no response. 

I quickly moved around Millie making sure she hadn't knocked anything or was bleeding, it was a long shot looking back but I wanted to be sure.   I reached for her chest to see if I could feel it rise and fall, but before I could place my hand atop her thick costume her chest began to rapidly rise and fall.  

"Can someone call for help!", I yelled before returning my attention to Courtney who was still trying for Millie's attention.  

Courtney's POV:

I looked up from Millie's pale face to see countless faces staring on as Vicki yelled for someone to help.  They all stood their, as motionless as Millie but with disbelief and worry creeping over their faces.  Aimie stood closest to where I was sat, 

"Aimie,  run and get help from the Arts - they'll have someone who can help.  Natalie call for help, try to get a paramedic here as soon as possible. Can someone else get wet towels for her forehead so she can cool down.  Here,  Vicki help me roll her onto her side."

I was surprised by my instincts, I was also surprised at the lack of the other girls.  Vicki and I slowly rolled Millie onto her side, her breathing began to slow but it was still faster than it should have been.  I poured all of my attention to Millie but I could hear commotion around us and hoped that help would come soon. 

"Millie, can you hear me.  It's Vicki.  You're okay babes.  Can you hear me.", as Vicki continued and tried to keep Millie aware I reached for a wet towel Jaye'J had prepared and began to hold it on Millie's forehead.

With no warning Millie's eyes shot open and her breathing took off once again.  Her entire body began to shake and she let out a cry.  

"What hurts, what happened?!" asked Vicki, placing her face near the ground trying to keep level with Millie.  Millie didn't respond but her eyes flashed back and forth as she continued to shake and whimper.  

"You'll be okay", Maiya said soothingly as she rubbed Millie's arm back and forth.  "You'll be okay."

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