Chapter 9

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Eloise's POV:

We laid there, together, for a few more moments.  She had fallen back into my arms and I had placed my chin on the top of her head, my chin rising and falling slower and slower as her breaths became more stable.  Courtney took a few sharp breaths in before turning to me again, her glassy eyes locking with mine.

"I-I, I think I'll have a shower and then we can talk, okay?"

I nodded, "Sure thing, sounds like a good idea.", rubbing the side of her arm as she slowly stood up.  As she turned to walk towards the bathroom I saw her take a slight stumble before collecting herself.

"You right?", I gently asked, she responded with a quick "Yep," before hurrying to the bathroom.  I got up from the couch and went to pack away the food that was still sitting out on our balcony.  I let out a slight sigh, imagining what the night could have been like if it had taken a different - a more positive turn. I was so lost as to what I needed to do.  As I cleared away the plates to the sink and peered back out through the window I noticed my phone, still face down on the table.  Still hearing the shower running I walked back over and flipped into my hand. 3 missed notifications.

Vicki Manser: Hey, sorry to bother just checking you got my first message. 

Vicki Manser: Sorry, just bit worried about Courtney give me a call.

Vicki Manser: Hey El, just checking you guys are alright. 

I quickly unlocked my phone and rung Vicki.


V: Hey! Sorry for all the texts thanks for calling me. You doing okay? How's Courtney?
E: Hey, uh no - thanks for letting me know. Um, things aren't too great but we're okay I was just hoping you could let me know if something happened at work today?
V: Yeah well um I had noticed she seemed a bit off you know and I know you already know about the whole situation with Millie this morning so I thought it could have just been from that but I think it's something bigger.  I noticed she didn't eat anything between shows, and then when she was getting changed throughout the day she kept wanting to use the bathroom - you know how we never do that.  Anyway after the last show when she went into the bathroom we heard a loud thud and for a few moments she wasn't responding but she ended up walking out saying she was fine... but then when I saw her getting changed I noticed that well, I'm not sure if you've noticed it too but she seems to have lost a lot of weight.  I mean it's not something I pay attention to but it doesn't look healthy for her you know.  I've just been so worried, sorry if that has freaked you out.
E: Oh wow, thank you for all of that. I just can't believe it. I feel so hopeless and so guilty. 
V: Don't feel guilty. I'm sure it will all be okay, she's probably just stressed but really keep an eye out on her, I will at work.
E: Yeah thank you, I mean I don't even know if she'll be at work for a bit.
V: Oh no really? What happened?
E: It doesn't matter for now, I'll get back to you okay?
V: Yep sounds good, love you!
E: Love you too, bye.

Eloise's POV:
I was in shock. I couldn't believe all of this was happening and I didn't even know it. How I wished that Courtney was okay. As I wandered back into the house I heard the shower still running. It had been a while.  I approached the bathroom and knocked on the door.

"Courtney you doing alright?"

There was no response. Perhaps the water was too loud. I spoke a little louder.

"Courtney, you okay?".

Still no reply.

"Courtney I need you to let me know you're okay,"

Nothing. I wrapped my hand around the door handle and began moving it up and down trying to break through the lock on the opposite side.


I began to yell. 

There was no sound from the other side apart from the steady stream from the shower. 


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