Chapter 3

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Millie's POV:

I could feel my body up against the cold floor.  I could hear footsteps rush towards me.  I could hear Courtney ask me if I could hear her, if I was okay.  I could feel someone holding my hand, rolling me over... but I couldn't move, I couldn't speak.  I felt trapped.  I began to panic.  I could feel myself breathe in and out at a million miles an hour, I felt as though my chest was about to break.  I could make out more yelling, shouting, and footsteps.  I suddenly felt a cold shock rush through my body jerking me back to reality.  As my eyes shot open I was overwhelmed by everything around me.  The light, the people, the sounds.  My chest began to feel even tighter.  I could see Vicki's face on the ground beside me but it was all too much, I let out a cry in desperation.  The heavy footsteps and shouting slowed as I began to focus on Maiya's voice.  "You'll be okay... you'll be okay."


The room began to quieten down after Millie regained consciousness.  All that could be heard was her sharp, shallow breaths in and Maiya's soothing voice telling her that she would be okay.  After several minutes footsteps could be heard once again as Aimie rushed back down the hall with staff from the Arts.  One of them lugged a first aid kit behind them, unaware of the severity or nature of the incident.  Courtney stepped away and explained the situation to the staff, which Natalie - who had been on the phone to 112 - then relayed to the operator to give a clearer picture of what had been going on.  Jaye'J also explained how she'd seen Millie's stumble and attempt to climb the stairs that she'd witnessed from a distance.  Within minutes of the staff arriving two paramedics rushed from around the corner.  One made their way immediately to Millie whilst the other exchanged a brief conversation with Courtney to gather as much information as possible.  The two paramedics ushered for everyone to step aside but as soon as Maiya pulled away Millie began to panic once again and grasped for her hand.  

"Hi Millie.  My name's Harry.  I'm a paramedic.  Can you hear me?"

Millie whispered yes through tears.

"We're going to try and sit you up okay, are you ready?"

Millie didn't reply but the two paramedics placed their arms underneath her in attempt to transition her into a seated position where they could better assess the situation.  However, the sudden movement upright caused Millie to throw up all over herself.  

A few of the other girls who were still standing nearby were quick to move away but their worry was growing each moment.  

Maiya's POV:

I was still holding Millie's hand when she threw up over herself.  My heart dropped, I hated seeing anyone like this - especially when it was someone close.  

"We have to get her to the hospital now."

I was startled by the bluntness of his remark.  I looked into Millie's eyes and saw how much pain she was in, she was helpless.  I squeezed her hand.

"Okay, but I'm coming with her."

As the pair lifted Millie I felt someone tug on my sleeve. 

"Maiya, quick - pull off the top of your costume and put this on.  Courtney and I will meet you there.", it was Vicki , she passed me a sweater that I quickly slipped on after pulling off my costume.  I was immensely grateful but only managed to let out a quick thanks before running after the paramedics. 

A/N: Feedback is greatly appreciated xx

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