Chapter 11

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Eloise's POV:

I could feel the panic begin to build in my chest.  I continued to yell for Courtney but the silence prevailed.  I kept pushing on the handle of the bathroom door until it finally gave in.

I heard a loud bang as the door hit against the wall as it swung open, revealing Courtney's frail frame scrawled across the bathroom floor.  Her body - limp, the shower - still gushing with water, my heart - shattered.

I fell to the ground and moved around the floor on my hands and knees escaping the steam still erupting from the hot shower. I began to frantically shake her delicate body - still yelling her name as I went.  I fumbled for my phone in my pocket and immediately called the first name that appeared.

Calling Vicki Manser...

The monotone rings of the phone were suffocated by my mind racing a million miles a moment.  I reached for her head of curls and brought my face down to the tiles to allow my eyes to meet hers.  As I pulled away her curls from her face I saw a sight far worse than a nightmare. 

Her eyes were swollen shut and a small pool of red blood lay on the floor beneath her sweet face, drenching the curls that layed in it.

I heard a faint voice echo from my phone.  I tried to open my mouth but I couldn't control what I was saying.  I don't remember what I was saying.  My lips were moving but I could not hear my voice.  I couldn't speak...

I screamed.

A/N: Short but with purpose.  I cannot thank you all enough for reading and engaging.  Please continue to leave suggestions, comments, questions or your own theories below. 

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