C H A P T E R - 7

91 57 6


I sit in car and start it as soon as possible. I need to get the hell out of here ! I don't want to be around any of those.

Hot tears are rolling down my cheeks and I feel so bad that I can't even explain. I can't believe that it is all true.

God please I want my old life back. I want to live it all again and change my decisions.

As I drive along the road , my phone starts ringing.

*Unknow number* I see .

Who the hell is calling me now ? I don't wanna talk to anyone. Not right now.

I cut the call and try to focus on the road.

The phone starts ringing again. I grab it and decide to shut down but it is not a good idea.

I pick up the call and place it near my ear.

"Who ?" I almost cry .

"Ked where are you ?" The familiar voice gives me a mini heart attack.

"Ryder ?" I ask to confirm .

How the hell did he get my number ? Oh ! It must be Melisa . She is friends with him . Why would not she give him my number !

"Yeah it's me . Please come back . I need to talk to you." He says . I can hear the tension and fear in his voice. What is he afraid of ?

"How dare you call me ? You cheap !" I cry , wiping my tears from my left hand while my right is on the steering.

"I need to tell you something." He says but I don't want to hear him . I hate him for what he did tonight.

I hate all of them. I hate Simon . I hate Melisa . I hate Carla. I hate Meute . I hate this place. I hate this life.

I grab the phone to cut it but Ryder's word stop me from doing so.

"I know you are back in time." He wishpers.

My eyes wide open at the mention of me living it all again.

"How ? How the hell you - you kn - know ?" I ask , shocked and afraid.

How does he know ?

"Because I am the one who brought you back." He says and sighs.

"What do you mean ?" I ask . I can't believe my ears . How can this be possible ?

"I made you live it all again ." He forces those words.

"Wh - what ? Why ?" I ask in terror. My palms are sweating and my heart is pounding against my chest.

"Becauss I love you. I wanted to you to know that Simon is not a good guy. I knew it. I wanted to tell you that he was cheating on you but you were too busy to even notice me ." He says . I can feel the pain in his voice.

"What ?" I say. I am shocked . I can't believe. I can't.

"I tried to guard you all this time. I tried to protect you from Simon . From Carla . From Melisa . From Professor Meute." He says in a broken tone.

Professor Meute ? Now I know why and how Ryder was there . He knew it all.

I don't know what to say . I am lost of words.

"I am tired of losing you Ked. I am tired of living it all again and again. I want you. I don't want to lose you this time ." He says and I know that he is crying.

Hold on ! Again and again ? What does he mean by that ?

"What do you mean by again and again ?" I ask , emphasizing the last words.

"You know what it means Ked." He says .

"How many times have you did it ?" I ask , predicting what he is going to say.

"Five to six times. I have lived it all again. But evetytime I lost you. I could not show my love. So this time I brought you back with me." He says and chills run down my spine.

Five to six time ? What the hell ? How can he live it all again ? Just to have me ?

"Please come back . I will explain everything. From begining to tonight. I will let you know everything ." He begs.

I need to go and talk to him. He is a maniac. Living the same year again and again just to have a girl is crazy ! I need to talk to him and stop otherwise he will make me live it once more.

"I am comin-" I get cut off by a sudden noise of horn and suddenly my car hits the - truck .

My head collides with the steering and all I hear is loud noises. I feel my car rolling again and again. I don't know what to do. All I can see is darkness . I can't open my eyes. My body is getting hit by different parts of the cars. The pain is increasing. I can feel the blood dropping down my head.

The sound of glasses breaking and horns feel me .

Suddenly everything seems so silent. I feel like drifting to sleep . I feel like all of this is perfect. The cotinuous torture seems to be ending. I can't breathe , my nose is filled with something . Blood I guess.

"Keddle ? Keddle say something." I hear Ryder's calming voice through the phone. I can't forget him. He is an idiot to live it all again just to get with me.

I want to reach the phone and tell him to get to me and save me but I can't.

I try to open my eyes and all I see is a white flash.

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