1- Detention

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I watched as the rain poured heavily down the window. Music was blasting out of my headphones but it didn't bother me.

The car pulled up in front of the school and the engine died down. I took off my headphones and turned to face my dad, a look of disappointment clear on his face.

"Do you have everything you need?" He asked.

"Dad I've been going to this for weeks now." I was never really the loud outspoken type. I was always the quiet nerdish type. That's why so many people were shocked to find out that I had landed my self with months of Saturday detention, and so many people were disappointed. Including my dad.

"I know, I was just making sure. I'll see you soon."

And with that, I kiss him on the cheek and exit the car.

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

The detention room was louder than usual today. I wasn't surprised, even I had heard about what Jason Scott did to land himself in here.

I sat in my usual seat and pulled out my work book. I start drawing random patterns in the corner waiting for class to start.

Suddenly the room went quiet, it only last a few seconds before Ethan started mooing. It's didn't take a genius to know that Jason Scott had arrived. I look up to see Jason walking towards a seat on the other side of the room. I look away and start on my random scribbles again.

A sound like pencils hitting the floor made me look up and see where the Noice had come from. Seeing Ethan standing over Billy I instantly groan. I hated watching Ethan bully Billy but unfortunately I was never brave enough to say anything.

"Your a freak, eh I've had to watch you play with these for weeks. Are you crazy?" Billy shakes his head as a no.

Ethan brings the pencil he's holding in front of billy and snaps it in half.
"Why don't you stop me huh?" He says while going to snap another pencil.


I sat wide eyed as I watch Jason push Ethan away from billy.

"How old are you five? Hi I'm Jason, it's my first time here, it's exciting. And you must me the bully of detention, how dumb can you be?"

I let out a squeak of surprise as Ethan swung at Jason, but somehow Jason dodges the punch. He dodges the second punch and then slaps Ethan.

Wait slap??

"Did you just slap me?" Ethan asked seeming surprised also.

"I did, weird right?" He shares a glance at Billy and then looks back to Ethan.

"Now I gotta be here everyday for what seems like the rest of my life, I'm sure you are too. So let's make a deal. Don't sit near me... or him and we'll be okay."

I was surprised to say the least.
I was surprised that Jason was standing up for Billy even though he doesn't even know him.
I was surprised that Ethan just got bitch slapped.
And most importantly I was surprised that Jason even stood up to Ethan in the first place. Nobody has ever stood up to him.

Just as Jason was walking away the sounds of the teacher entering the classroom silenced everybody.

Just as he reached the classroom, Kimberly excused herself claiming she needed the toilet. I rolled my eyes and turned my attention to the boy in front of me.

I tapped his shoulder and he turned to look at me.

"You okay Billy?" I whisper

"Yeah I'm okay Annie, talk after class?"

"Of course."

I leaned back into my chair and decided to spare a glance at Jason who sat across the room, but when I turned my head to his seat I found that he was already looking at me. I turned away slightly blushing.

I looked up to see Kimberly walking back into the class room, but unlike before her hair was cut short, only just making it to her shoulders. People around the class room started cheering for Kimberly. Just as she reached in front of my seat, I raised my eyebrows in a questioning matter and she just mouthed 'later'

Yeah sure, later

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Class finally ended. I never got the chance to speak to Billy or Kim after class. As not only was Kim busy getting yelled at by her father, Billy being busy with talking to Jason but I was in a rush to get back to my warm bed.


When it's like this, it's Annie's thoughts

Anyway hellooooo, yes I decided to write a power ranger fan fic :/
I also love reading the power rangers stories cause obviously I love power ranger but also because they're just exciting and we love a good adventure!!
Anyway I hope this chapter is good, and yeah cheers for clicking on my story 🥺✌️

Updated ~ 23 April 2020

Word count : 805

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