Gold Mine: Part 2

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That's all I was inhaling.

I could hear coughs coming from everyone around me, but my own coughs drowned them all out.

"Annie, you okay?" Kimberly was starting to get up, she was still coughing but it seemed the air was slowing coming back to normal.

"Yeah, yeah I'm okay. Are you?" I asked.


I glanced around, seeing people start to get up off the ground.

"Are you guys okay?"

Jason had made his way to me and Kim and was offering to help me up. I accepted and stood up next to him. I quickly removed my hand from his, blushing immediately.

Why are you blushing?

Stop it

"Yeah we're okay." Kim answered.

"Whoa." I turned to look at Billy who had spoken.

Where the cliff had been, was a black wall made of glass. It was hard to describe, but it was like the moon was reflecting off it or something because it was shining like a crystal.

"What is it?" I asked

We all moved forward to look closely at it. Billy shined his torch towards the black glass. 

Where the heck did he get the torch from?

Kim turned on her phone torch which made me do the same.

"It's beautiful." I said while touching the wall.

"I've never seen glass like this before." Billy states.

"Wait what is that?" I shone my phone closer to the glass to see 6 objects inside.

They look like coins?

"There's something in there." Kim says

I turned to look at the stranger grabbing a pick axe and smashing the glass.

"What are doing!?" I ask in disbelief.

"No no no stop." Billy calls out

"Seriously?" The girl asked

The stones drop on the ground at our feet and I just stare at them before picking up the one right in front of me.

"My dad always knew the rights spots."

I could barley hear Billy as I was too distracted by the glowing purple coin that sat in my hand.

I turn and see the others doing the same.

Kim had a pink one, the other girl had yellow, the annoy boy had black, while Billy was holding a blue one and Jason was hold a red coin in front of his face.

What are they?

"Look we all found these." I roll my eyes at him and look over to Jason.

"No he found them, chill out." Jason responded while motioning to Billy.

"Guys do you hear that?" Kim asked

"Security." I say

"Somebody should've point that out, oh wait I did." The girl says before everyone runs off.

I ended up with Kim and the girl who I still didn't know her name. I was running as hard as I ever had before. I was not a sports person.

I could hear a car behind us, making me run harder as I didn't want to get caught.

The car reached In front of us and I risked a glance sideways. I could see Jason hanging out the car motioning for us to get in.

This boy is insane if he thinks I'm jumping into a moving car

Kimberly jumped first.

Oh god.

Oh god.

I'm going to die.

Then it was the other girl.

Jason turned back to me and held out his hand.

"I can't."  I yell

"Yes you can, I'll catch you. Come on Annie."

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, and jumped straight into Jason's arms.

The car door closed and when I looked up, mine and Jason's faces were only centimetres apart.

He has really pretty eyes.

Wait what?

Oh gods.

Stop it Annie.

The car hit a bump in the road brining me back to reality

I moved away from Jason and I'm pretty sure I probably looked like a walking tomato. Kim was smirking and I just rolled my eyes at her.

"What about the other guy?" Billy asked us.

We all shared a glance.

"JUST GO!" We all yell.

We were speeding down the road trying to get away from the security who was still hot on our trail.

I blocked out all the screaming as I huddled down in the back.

What would I tell dad if I got caught?

I can't disappoint him again

A loud thump on the roof made me squeal out of fright. Jason looked over to me and frowned. I looked just past him towards the window and the guy from earlier was hanging off the roof.

"Jason!" I pointed towards the door and he  saw what I was seeing.

"Hey what do you what me to do?" Billy yelled from the front.

"I'll pull him in." Jason responded.

Jason pulled in the other guy and closed the door.

"Are you crazy!?" He asked

"Yeah I am."

I laughed a little but it didn't sound right. I was honestly scared.
Scared we were going to get caught.
Scared I was going to disappoint my dad again.

Jason looked over to me and I guess he saw how frightened I looked. He moved over And sat next to me and intertwined our hands. I looked over to him in surprise and he just gave me a small smile and I gave one back.

And that's when I noticed the train coming full speed down the track.

"What are you doing? We'll never make that!" I yell out

"We'll make it." Jason says.

Billy pushes harder on the gas pedal and
The car starts going faster.

My heart was pounding. Just as we were about to hit the crossing, I buried my
Head into Jason's arm. I couldn't watch this.

"I got it."

It was the last thing Billy said before the train rammed into the side of the van.

I felt my body flip with car.




I felt someone's arms wrapped around my body.

And then all was black.


Andddddd I decided to update part 2 on the same day :)
Enjoy 🥺✌️

Updated ~ 24 April 2020

Word count : 1002

The beginning // Jason ScottWhere stories live. Discover now