Zordon: Part 1

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What the fuck just happened

"BILLY!" I yell out as I race towards the edge of the cliff.

"BILLY?" Jason was calling down

I could feel the tears falling down my face


Jason kept calling out for billy but never got a response

He turned and looked at me and I launched myself into his arms still in tears

Billy was my friend

He was also Jason's

"Did we just kill that dude?" I heard Zach asked

"What do we do?" Kim asked

Obviously they were asking Jason But he seemed to be too occupied making sure I was okay to answer any of them.

"You guys gotta come down here!"

It was a muffled voice

If I hadn't been listening I never would've heard it

But i did

Billy was okay.

Everyone let out a sign and I let go of Jason.

"You guys gotta see this!"

I was still crying, but i wasn't crying for the loss of billy I was crying because I was so happy he was alive.

Zach started laughing.

"Yo, alright. I'll see you all down there! Bring that crazy girl!" And then Zach jumped off the cliff

"Why is it that you all love to jump off bloody cliffs!?" These people were insane

"Come let's go!"

"Jas- and he jumped."

Kimberly laughed at my expression

"Guess I've gotta jump off yet another terrifying cliff."

I took a step off the cliff and I was falling.

I hit water and I immediately swam up to the surface for fresh air.

"You jumped." Jason asked as I reached the surface

"Well I didn't wanna be standing up there alone." He smiled at me and I smiled back

"Yo love birds, we've got incoming." We looked up to see Kim and the girl hit the water

"Glad your okay billy." I say as the two girls surfaced again

"Thanks Annie."

"Welcome to the club." Zach says making me giggle

"Sup crazy girl, we gotta do that again."

"I am Not jumping off anymore cliffs." Everyone laughed at my statement Including me

This felt nice

Having friends to laugh with

Are we friends?

"Hey guys? Check out how we glow."

Confused I looked down.

Sure enough I was glowing

A purple colour floated around me and I looked around to see everyone else had the same but different colours

The beginning // Jason ScottWhere stories live. Discover now