Jumping off cliffs

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I was sitting in the back seat of Kimberlys car next to billy.

Jason was up front next to Kim. who obviously was driving.

We were on our way to the gold mine. I was nervous and a little scared.

I needed answers but if those answers were good or bad was unknown to me and that was what scared me.

We were almost at the mine when we saw it.

Cars along the side of the road, police officers and tow trucks.

One of the tow trucks had a busted up van attached to the back.

It was our van.

Billy's van.

We were all looking out the windows towards the scene.

"This is inane." I whisper, shocked.

"Let's just keep going." Kim said.

And so we drove past, not giving the wreck a second glance.

...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ... 

"Guys look! It's that guy again!"

We reached the top of the ledge that led down to where we had found the coins last night.



His response only caused me to roll my eyes.

I seemed to do that a lot when I hung around these people.

"We know why your here!" I yell down to him

"Yeah? did you guys wake up surprised to be alive and jump over a house?"

"First part yes, last part no." I whispered more to myself

It seemed Jason heard and he let out a small chuckle making me look up at him and smile


I turned to Billy confused

He jumped over a house?

"Kinda, wait no."

I let out a laugh and look away

"Look we're different alright, everything different."

He makes me laugh

"Your zach right?" Kim asked

"Wait you know him?" I asked her

I was confused, I didn't know him

"Yup." He replied

"You still go to angel grove?" Jason Yelled out

"you know him too? Am I the only god damn person who has never seen him before?"

"Annie you never pay attention, that's why you probably don't know him." Billy says to me

Jason laughed and so did Kim

I do pay attention


"Yeah sometimes." Zach yelled back out

"You know the other girl was here too, about an hour ago."

"Hey! You mean that girl right there?" Billy pointed to the other ledge.

There walking across the gravel was the girl from last night.

The beginning // Jason ScottWhere stories live. Discover now