The Ending

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"She's back." Whispered Jason.

We all watched as Rita and goldar stood back up and Rita retrieved her staff.

She slammed her staff into the ground causing rock and dirt to go flying everywhere.

Once everything was clear again, I looked forward to where Rita had hit the ground.

In the exact same spot was now a huge hole that was glowing green.

She found the crystal.

"Come on let's go!" Yelled Jason

We all moved forward and stood in a straight line.

"Okay everyone. Hold the line." Says Jason

My zord was between Jason's and Trini's. I looked side to side at both of them but they weren't paying attention.

I was nervous and scared.

We were losing and I had no clue how to win.

"FIRE!" Yelled Jason.

I started shooting at goldar hoping to slow him down. Everyone else were doing the same.

I would never admit it, but I was honestly just shooting anywhere hoping it would at least hit him or even Rita if I was lucky.

Unfortunately I was not.

I guess goldar got sick of our shooting as he leaned down and punched at our zords.

He punched my zord straight in the head knocking me back from the rest, but I kept my feet firm.

He was pushing us back.

Into the pit.

I'm going to die.


He kept pushing and punching until he threw a fire ball at Kimberlys zord setting it on fire.

"KIM!" I yelled, concerned for my friend.

"I can't breathe." She kept muttering.

Goldar then punched Kimberlys zord down on the rest of us crushing us together

This is it

This is my end

"No one dies alone." Jason yelled At everyone

A few more things were said but I wasn't listening

I looked over at Jason

And he was already looking at me.

"I love you" he mouthed

"I love you too" I mouthed back

Tears were falling down my face.

Technically this was my second time dying and yet I still wasn't prepared for it.

"Thank you for being my friends" was the last thing I heard before I was pushed back into the pit.

Everything was hot.

I felt like my body was burning

But then something happened.

I couldn't describe it because honestly I don't even know how it happened.

But one moment we were falling to our deaths and the next moment we were standing back up were Rita and goldar were.

The beginning // Jason ScottWhere stories live. Discover now