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You made your way through the field as the sun started to set. The noises of the crickets and owls could be heard from across the village.

You wiped the tears that were rolling down your cheeks. You couldn't believe what Edward had said. You hated him. You hated him so so much.

You hadn't noticed but someone was following you. Their dark figure creeped behind you silently. You brushed your arms with your hands to keep warm and sniffed quietly as a strong breeze flew past you.

You hadn't realized the dark figure until you heard a twig snap.

You spun around, spotting Edward. You exhaled in relief.

"Stop following me." You said as you made a turn into the village.

"I'm not following you." His deep voice said, indicating that he was most likely annoyed.

You chose to ignore him but after a couple of minutes of you two going in the same direction, you were almost positive that he was lying.

"I told you to stop following me!" You shouted across the street.

He shot towards you, stepping in front and spinning around before he started to walk backwards. He faced you, putting his hands up in a sign of surrender.

"Once again, not following you." He said with a sly grin on his face as he noticed your exasperation.

He finally stopped and made his way over to a house. He opened the door and stepped inside, not uttering a single word.

You stopped, aware that your house was right opposing his. You slowly made your way into your own dwelling. You ran up your stairs to your bedroom, tossing your school bag onto your bed.

You looked over at your window and saw a figure move. No way. Edward was standing in his room, examining his wounds in the mirror.

You stared out of your window into his which was at the same level. How hadn't you noticed him before?

He slid his shirt off, tossing it away. You hadn't realized that you were gazing at him until he caught you. His cheeks grew red as he looked back at you, a slight smirk stretching along his face as he narrowed his eyes suspiciously.

You dropped, trying to hide from the embarrassment. Had he seen you? Of course he did! What were you thinking! You idiot! Why would you even TRY to hide!

All of a sudden, you heard something crash against your window. You looked up to see little rocks smash against it. Alarmed, you stood up to observe your surroundings.

And there you saw Edward, holding up his black board with "stop peeking" written in white chalk.

You bit your inner cheek in irritation. You observed your room before retrieving your own small black board from out of your school bag.

You picked out one of your chalks, sliding it across the black board to write "I WASN'T"you wrote in massive letters.

"You can't resist me." He wrote back as he kissed his flexed bicep.

You rolled your eyes, letting out a little giggle. Seeing you content again reassured him.

"SORRY" He wrote in big letters before putting the black board up against the window.

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