2. They're not into that incest stuff

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Emily's PoV

I wake up in the morning with a huge yawn. I'm dead tired. Even though it's 9 am. I suppose I must get up. I pick up my phone and text mum, Ron, Bob, Harry and Becca. I swing my legs out of bed with a huge huff. I slide my feet into my fluffy slippers, and amble to my washroom-walk in closet. I bang on the washroom door, as I can hear water running. I lay out my clothes for today. Black jeans, white shoes, a red sweater, a white scarf, and a black beanie. The door opens to reveal a smiling Niall. "Good Morning" he chirps. I nod, and push past him into the washroom.

I go through my usual morning routine. I brush, wee, wash my face, shave my legs, and step into the shower. As I step out, I wrap a towel around my body and one in my hair. I lock my room door and put some music on my phone. Demi Lovato songs on my playlist. God, I love Demi, I'm a huge Lovatic. I start to dry off myself, when I feel hungry. I open a drawer in my closet, and pick up a box of mini-oreos, and nibble on a few. I pull on my tracks and a sweater before slipping my feet into my slippers, and shutting off the music.

I walk down into the kitchen, where I find Lucy, Jess, Niall, Liam and Caleb. I wave at them. I hand Niall, my box of oreos. I dial my mum and open the fridge. I pull out a carton of milk, pour it into six bowls. "Good Morning Emma dear" my mum calls. I feel so good just hearing her voice. My mum is the best lady in the planet, and I am happy she married a nice guy like Bob. "Good Morning Mum" I say. "How are you dear? Bob says hi. Chris is in school." "I'm good mum. Tell them I said hi. Did you speak to Ron?" "Yes dear. He's leaving New York for California, this weekend, new assignment. The New York winter is horrible." I laugh. "How are your friends, Harry, the Irish boy, Caleb, Lucy?" "They're good. It's Harry's birthday on the 1st mum. You should call him. He really likes you. So we are thinking of a party." "Well you children better hurry, it's Tuesday. Why don't you ask his family to come down?" she suggests. "Oh mum, you're a genius. I'll talk to you later. By the way, Luce and I got a job as junior legal advisors. I'm sure Caleb has told you." "Oh yes sweetie he told me everything. Bob and I are really proud of you sweetie You go. I'll speak to you later honey. Bye. Love you." she says. "Bye mum, love you too."

I cut the phone. There is indistinct chatter and the noise of Niall eating like, well, a pig. I scribble 'Call Gemma, and ask Harry's family to come down for a while.'. I sit on a chair and eat my toast, which Lucy thankfully prepared. I tell them, what my mum said. I really love my mum. In no time at all, it's 10:30 and I know I have to get to class. It's only two hours today, and work for three hours with the band. Huh. I rush up, change my clothes, put on my shoes, apply lipgloss and mascara and stuff my things in my bag. I stuff my notebooks, pencil case, laptop, wallet, phone, charger, mirror, wet wipes, sanitary napkin, a pack of cookies, some makeup, my book and my water bottle.

I rush downstairs and make plans with Liam and Niall to meet with them for lunch in a restaurant. Liam and NIall decide to go to a mall to do some shopping for Harry and decorations and stuff. They will also speak to Simon freaking Cowell, to have a house party and go to an all-ages club. Twenty minutes later, while I braid my hair, Caleb and I drop Lucy off and we ride together to class. I grab two coffees on the way. We get ready for two long hours of class. 


I walk out of class with a grumble. I'm really sleepy. This girl needs 10 hours of sleep. I check my phone, I have a message from Rebecca asking for some ideas for a still life art. She's studying art at Tisch in NYU. Rebecca is one of my best friends ever. She lived across the street from my house since we were seven or eight. I was really happy to have a girl to hang with. She's gorgeous too. Straight deadblack hair halfway down hair waist, blue eyes and tanned brown skin and many freckles. I type a quick text to Becca "Maybe, a park and swing, the one we played in as kids". I tap Caleb on the back. "Carry me." He dramatically huffs, and he carries me on his back. This is why he's my best friend. Caleb still has class, haha. He is majoring in business.

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