3. Movie Partners Forever?

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Emily's PoV

As we walk to my flat I search my bag for my keys and produce them with an 'Aha'. Niall just laughs at him. I pout at him. As we reach my flat I unlock the door and flip on the lights. I put my stuff on the little table beside the door. I take Niall's hand and lead him to Aaron's room.

"Niall this is your room. You can share my closet but this room also has a wardrobe. You have to share the bathroom or use the one in the guest room, but I guess Lucy is staying there for a couple of days. There's also Caleb's two bathrooms upstairs if you want to make the trip. So before you go to the bathroom turn the green side on the door to red, and same in my bedroom. Do the same in all the bathrooms you use. If you take anything in the balcony then bring it back, it freezes by morning. Before you switch on or use any electrical items wear rubber slippers. Don't use the iron and oven without me or Caleb in the house. I don't want anything to burn. Make sure you switch off the lights when you leave the room and turn off the taps. You will have to contribute in the laundry and washing dishes and cleaning. Oh my god, Ni. I am supposed to be making you feel welcome but I am just telling you what to do and what not to do. I'm so sorry. Like don't leave or anything." I nervously rant. Niall cuts me off "Emilia Banks, take a chill, will ya?"

He wraps his arms around my waist and rests his chin on my shoulder. "Go on Em. I daresay I will be able to do everything as ya say in a few days." I nod, before a mischievous glint comes in my eyes. "Horan, Caleb doesn't know you're here." Niall smiles. "Don't ya enjoy the talk he gives me." He accusingly wags his finger at me. I laugh. "He is just jealous and overprotective. He actually likes you" "Thank the lord. I think he would have tossed me on the road" Niall exaggerates.

I roll my eyes. "Niall, I'm going to change and I suggest you do the same." He nods. He knocks on my bedroom door in five minutes. I pull on an oversized sweater with shorts and my fuzzy slippers. He is standing outside in grey shorts, slippers, a t-shirt and a blue sweater. "Come on Horan. Let's make dinner." He nods. In the kitchen I soak some rice and start chopping vegetables. I decided to bake vegetables and pasta with cheese and some fried rice as a side.

After twenty minutes, I pop the vegetable pasta dish in the oven and let it be. I set a timer on my phone and go find Niall on the couch, watching football. I put my feet up and decide to take a quick nap.

Shit, I just fell of the couch at my alarm ! Ugh, that little shit. Niall laughs at me and show him my finger. "Oii, Horan, come and set the table." I holler. He comes and sets the table. He can do that well, thank goodness. I put the pasta dish a coaster, just as the doorbell rings.

Niall answers the door and greets Lucy. She comes and hugs me "Hey Luce, you wanna change first? I'm gonna make tea." "Yeah Em, Caleb came with me, he's also changing." I nod. As I make tea, Caleb hugs me from behind. "Hey bestie" I smirk. "Hey westie" he smirks back. I turn around and hug him properly. I smoothen his hair. He sits at the table as I pour tea into four mugs. Lucy comes and sits next to Caleb. I hand them all their tea. The pasta has cooled down so I bring out the rice. Cal serves everyone. Niall moans really loud and we all burst into fits of giggles. "This is so good Em." he mumbles unashamedly. "Thanks Ni" I smile. In half an hour we're done with dinner. Niall and Caleb get up to go watch television, but I tug on their hands. "Guys, do the dishes please. Luce and I want to prepare for tomorrow. It's already 8 and we want to sleep early." They nod and Ni pouts. "I'll make you guys some popcorn if you want when you're watching the telly." I bargain. "Done" Niall says.

We smile at the boys and run up to my room. "So Lucy, I got the address. I'm texting it you." I whip out my phone and send it to her. "Did Andy give you any files?" she asks. I nod. I go down and bring up my stuff. The boys are actually doing the dishes. I smile at them. "Thanks guys" I softly ruffle their hair.

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