The First Accident.

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How all their started, was through one little mishap. And this mishap changed not only their lives, but many. Of course, not just random people. But It changed their children, it changed their siblings, it changed their loves, it changed their grandchildren, nieces, nephews, and most of all, it changed their stories.

Most of you know Robin Crimson Infernum, correct? Well, she didn't go crazy because of her mothers death. She also didn't go crazy from a mental disability. She went crazy because of her own blood.

Look, I know secrets that you don't know. I know secrets that not even the victims of the series of accidents know. And these secrets are harmful. They are not to go in the wrong hands. But, may I tell whoever's right now is reading this, I needed to share these secrets and get them off my chest, before the story dies with me.

Well, the first accident started with a mishap. This mishap was made by Vanessa Carlysle-Wilson, the well known mother of Robin Crimson Infernum. Well, I should stop saying mishap. Some believe this accident was on purpose.

Well, it was a Saturday, a believe, and the VOH team was on a mission. It's hard to say what the mission exactly was, but one thing led to another, my mother and Vanessa had gotten into a fight on what they should do with a certian item. This item was The Book Of Existance. It held secrets to the universe that no one could ever imagine. It was dangerous. And it hurt Syla that they fought over a relic. Not just any relic, Slya's family's relic. And it belonged to
Veda Mika. Veda Mika was the All-Knowing, sacred woman. Some called her The Wise One.

Well, the discussion/argument between Vanessa and Veronica led on and on, to the point that they were tugging the book back and forth. After 2 minutes of that, the book broke. This book ripped in half. Pages glowed as they fell from the book.

This pained Syla to the point that Syla cursed my mother, Veronica. Yet, left Vanessa alone. Syla had said my mother had bad intentions for the book, even know my mother was trying to do what's best, and not whatever Vanessa had wanted with the book. Syla had also said that the book should never fall into the wrong hands, but because of that argument, there are millions of pages that someone could have found just lieing on the floor.

And because of this mishap, finding Veronica guilty, my mother called the hitmen. And you know what I'm talking about.

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