The truth about Omisha Adira

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Vanessa was killed. But her secrets didn't die with her. She still had things that nobody but her closest friend, Penelope Adira knew. Vanessa's children had rough times after her death. And yes, I said children. You may be thinking; "Vanessa only had Robin, I thought". Well, in many cases you would usually be right. But, there is a secret that I have uncovered that would say different.

I have found, through DNA tests, and stories I've read that are by the VOH, that Vanessa Carlysle-Wilson has a second daughter. This daughter was Omisha Adira.

Most know Omisha as Robin's stepsister. Well, that is false. Omisha is actually Robin's half sister.

One night, Vanessa had an affair. I will not say with whom, but I will tell you that Vanessa had lied when she was pregnant on who the father was. She had told Wade Wilson (Deadpool), that Omisha was his daughter. But she was not.

And once Vanessa had died, Omisha was ment to stay in the care of Penelope Adira. Penelope had told her daughter, Lillian, to use a certian spell on Omisha that would make her forget that Vanessa had been her mother, for safety precautions. Incidentally, the spell had also effected Robin and Wade Wilson. It made them both forget that Omisha had ever existed before.

Now, when Wade and Penelope had gotten married, Wade did not know who Penelope was at all. All the members of the VOH had kept the group a secret, and didn't even let anyone know that the other members even existed.

And now you know why Omisha Adira can shapeshift. She had gotten it from her real mother.

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