*At Home, After Work*
"Harry, please eat your food." I beg. We had arrived home at approximately 9:00 and I hadn't heard a word from him since. I made his dinner at 9:45 and it was beginning to get cold. I’d been pleading him for about forty five minutes to eat something but I was still being given the silent treatment and just simply shook his head. "Please tell me what your mom said to you about me.” He pushed himself away from the table and stormed upstairs into his bedroom.
I chased after him and saw him sit on his bed so I joined him, sitting there in silence.
"Harry, please say something to me. You haven't spoken since I met you at 7 and it's now 10:00." I explain. He shrugged his shoulders without even looking at me. "Okay fine. I give up. If your not going to speak to me, you can go to bed without any food. Goodnight." I say sternly.
I got up to exit his room and turn the light off when I heard a small voice from behind me.
"Mommy said you are a player." He says. Me? A player? Wait... my son shouldn't even know this word let alone the meaning. What is she trying to do to him? Poison him? Turn him against me?
"Harry, don't listen to her. I'm not a player.”
" She also said I shouldn't believe a single word you say." He snapped. I take a deep breath.
"Just.. Go to bed, yeah? This isn't a punishment but it's past your bedtime. We'll talk in the morning or when you get home from school." I reply, turning his light off and closing his door behind me. I raced downstairs and grabbed my cell phone to dial Zayn's number.
"Hello?" Zayn answers.
"Are you busy?" I ask him.
"Not at the moment, no. Why, what's up?"
"Can you just... come over here? Fast?"
"Um, yeah. Of course."
"Thanks. I love you.”
"I love you more." With that, I ended the call, taking in a deep breath. At least someone still loves me.
About half an hour later, Zayn was sitting on my sofa and I was telling him what the whole trouble was that I was in.
"... And then, he told me she said to never 'believe a single word I say'. Can you believe that?" I conclude. Zayn looked at me with sadness in his eyes.
"This is all my fault isn't it?" He asked. I didn't know what to say. Honestly, it was, but then again it wasn't.
"Of course not." I replied.
"Yes it is Niall. Don't even try and pretend it isn't. I'm the reason Isabella put all these lies into that poor child's head." I looked down towards the ground. "I just.. I wanted him to see his mother. But I guess I should've got the full story about her before I called her, yeah?"
"Zayn, it's okay. I'm upset, but at the same time, I’m not, Ya' know?” He looks at me. His eyes sparkling with love.
“We're best friends right? We always have been for a good 5 years.. And.." He takes a deep, hesitant breath but continued. "Today, at work, when we were talking about you know, us being in love with each other.. I.." He looked down at the ground. "Promise me you'll never let me down?" He asked me, worry written all over his face.
"Of course. Why would you think I would?" I say, smiling.
"Do you want to go out? On a date, I mean." He asks. I burst out into a fit of laughter. "What's funny? Did you laugh because you were saying no without actually saying no? Oh god.. I knew I should've just forgot about asking you.." He mumbles.
"No, no, babe.." I say, laughing still. "I'm laughing because you had me worried sick. You started off making me think you were going to walk away from us or something." He chuckles. "But instead, it was you, the most beautiful person ever, asking me out on a date." I say. He blushed a bright crimson.
"So is that a yes..?" His eyes now sparkling with excitement.
"Of course it is." I replied, embracing him in a tight hug. I felt his arms wrap around me and smiled and the comfort I felt. This felt so right. So safe.
"Wait..." I said, pushing him off of me. He furrowed his eyebrows, tilting his head to the side like a confused puppy.
"What's wrong?" He asks, concern filling his voice.
"Please don't tell me you were thinking of having this date tonight.." I say. His eyes flash with worry. It was almost like it was his eyes speaking for him instead of his lips. His beautiful, beautiful lips.
"Well.. It was going to be tonight.. I made reservations and everything but..-" I cut him off there.
"You made reservations? Jesus Zayn, I needed to talk to Harry in the morning. He's going to tell me the truth.. But I.. You made reservations and it's bad to cancel because you might not get them tomorrow or the day after that. And what if I had said no to this date?" I take a deep breath. As Zayn was about to reply, we heard a door shut and a small, innocent voice pipe up from behind the sofa.
"Call mommy to watch me."
I turned around to see Harry standing in the doorway.
"Harry, go to bed." I snapped. He huffed loudly and looked at me with tear filled eyes. I took a deep breath and rolled my own eyes. "Come 'ere." He rushed to the sofa and squeezed his way into the space which was barley left between Zayn and I.
"Did you hear everything?" I asked him once he was settled.
"Well, I heard everything from, 'please don't tell me you were planning on having that date tonight.'" he replied, making me let out a slight groan.
"Well for starters, you should've been asleep. Second, I'm definitely not calling your mom to watch you. Third, your being extremely disrespectful right now." I stated.
"Disrespectful? How so?" He asked.
"Zayn is right behind you and you haven't said a word to him." He turned around and smiled at an already smiling Zayn.
"Hello!" Harry says. Zayn looked at him with adoration written all over his face.
"Hello adorable.”
The way they were talking to each other, you would have thought they didn't even know each other.
"Can I talk to you alone?" Harry asked Zayn quietly. Zayn nods his head, yes.
“I’ll leave you two to it and make us all some hot cocoa." I said, getting up to head into the kitchen, giving Zayn a look as though to say 'Tell me what gets said.'
*Zayns POV*
"Yes Harry?" I asked once Niall had left the room.
"Do you like my daddy?" He asked making me laugh. I really wanted to go on that date with him tonight although he was more than likely still debating on whether or not to come.
"Yeah, your daddy's… cute." I beamed, using the only word I hoped he knew the meaning to. I couldn't use ‘sexy’, or ‘hot’, and definitely couldn't use ‘fucking sexy as hell’. He made a face that screamed 'yuck!'.
"Daddy's old." He chuckled.
"Your dad is special." I beamed. He mumbled something but I didn't bother asking him what it was.
"Wanna know something Daddy told me earlier today?" He smirks.
"Why not?" I shrugged.
"Daddy says he doesn't love you and that he's in love with this girl named, Sydney." With that being said, I got up and left. Not only was Sydney 'Niall's lover', she was also my ex.
This chapter is slighter longer than the rest so I hope you lovely readers enjoy it. Don't forget that if you need a cover done then please, please, PLEASE feel free to ask me.

Breathless « n.s & z.h »
Romancethere's a lot more than just twists and turns to avoid. you have to avoid love too.