"Why not? The night I really need you, you can't.""Niall, I'm sorry. I have a life."
"Yeah... I know."
"I gotta go. I'm sorry."
"Yeah, it's fine."
I groan as he hangs up. Who's gonna watch them now? Apparently Bradlee has a 'life' now. I'm not leaving them alone. They're only 10. Well, Louis is 10. Harry's 11. Besides, I would hate to be left alone for, god knows how long, with my ex.
I would hire a babysitter but, Harry has a terrible past with babysitters. I groan again as I try to think of a person who can watch them. As I'm in the middle of thinking, there's a knock at the door. I rush to open it. "Zayn? Your early. Where were you?" I say, looking at the time. "Actually, I'm right on time. And I went over to a friends." He says. "But I'm not even ready. I don't have clothes to wear, no babysitter, no-" he cuts me off.
"Niall, I'm fucking with you. I'm early. You have like, 3 hours to get ready." He says. I playfully hit his shoulder. "You had me worried sick. Why are you even so early?" I ask. "I wanted to see my baby boys face." He says, cupping my cheeks and kissing my lips. I kiss back softly. He slightly bites my bottom lip, and I grant him full access. As our tongues fight for dominance, I moan slightly.
"Fuck, Niall, stop." He says. I pull away slightly. Our faces only inches apart. "What's wrong?" I whisper. "I have a boyfriend." He whispers back. "What?" I ask, backing away slowly. "Zayn, you kissed me, you cuddled with me, you were making me think you actually had feelings for me!" I add. "Niall, I know, and I do have feelings for you! I'm so sorry." He says. "But were not exactly dating. It's complicated." He mumbles the last part.
"Then who were you talking about this morning on the phone?" I ask. "My boyfriend." He says. "Then who were you talking to?" I question. "Bradlee." He mumbles. "What. The. Fuck." I say. "When did you guys start talking?" I ask. "About a week ago."
(A/N: ABOUT A WEEK AGO, WEEK AGO! sorry, I had too.)
"Shit Zayn, why didn't you tell me?" I ask. "I didn't think it mattered." He says. "So then who's your boyfriend?" I ask. "Um.. Your going to hate me." Zayn says. "If you don't tell me, I'll hate you even more." I say. "Fine, fine. It's.."
Can you guys guess who it is?
It's not:
Niall (obviously)
Harry (duh.)
Louis (burp)
Bradlee (hehe)
Here another hint,
He's mentioned in the story, ONCE.
So go look for it, yeah??

Breathless « n.s & z.h »
Romancethere's a lot more than just twists and turns to avoid. you have to avoid love too.