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"WE EXAMINED your son and its turns out, he have a acute lymphocytic leukemia." The doctor said upon arriving to Caelum's room. "A cancer?" hindi makapaniwalangang itatanong niya iyon sa doctor.

"A type of blood cancer, it is causing the bone marrow to produce blood cells that don't work the way they should be."

"It is treatable right? I mean, its curable?" Celine asked the doctor in disbelief. "We have options, of course, but as a doctor, bone marrow transplant is a must." the doctor explained her furthermore, the details, how long it is, fatality rate and things that she should know.

"Kuya? Are we doing it?" Celine looks very worried. She needs a second opinion for her to consider. She cant risk her son's life. "You heard the doctor, If Caelum made it to 5 years after the surgery, he'll live.— and if not?" Celine cutted her brother's word. "There are options, chemo and such and we'll be there for him. For now, we can't do anything, we're all just hoping for the best, right? And Caelum he'll make it. Dont you trust him?" Celine is moved by his words.

Celine and her brother took the matching test for possible donor.

Few days have passed.

"Sorry, Ms. Lucauco and Mr. Ferrer, both of you can't have the transplant. We can accept about 30-50% match for the operation. Do the patient have sibling? Siblings are most likely to have almost the same. The father can also be a donor." the doctor announced the test result and talk to them. The doctor told them more about of Caelum's situation and how can they find a donor.

They entered Caelum's ward, he's awake. "Hi baby, how are you feeling?" Celine asked him with a smile. "You dont have to do a fake smile mommy. I know, I'm dying." shocked filled her face. "No, you're not." at napatingin kay Therese na nasa gilid ng kama ni Caelum.

"He asked me what about it. I only told him about getting a bone marrow transplant. — and I knew about it, Mom. I heard it." Caelum eyes were red, it's always like that when her son dont eant to cry.

"Baby, I won't allow that to happend. You'll live. You will go to highschool, college, you're spending time with me, and live life the way yo wanted. Okay? Don't think about dying cause you're not." humikbi si Celine. She's about to cry. "You're breaking your mom's heart when you say that, huh?" Celine cant help but to cry while hugging his son.

"Stop crying, Mommy. I'm sorry if I say that." Caelum hugged her back.

"Can you book me a flight? I'm going back to Philippines."

"Sir, don't you find Agnes beautiful? I mean, she likes you." Jason asked him.

"No. That girl? She's not my type." Franco answered. "You? Do you like her? You look good together." Pang-aasar ni Franco dito.

"Enough of that. Can you go to the HR to look for applications for the secretary position? Nathan asked me a leave.  Can't imagine, he's getting married. That man." Franco looked at him.

"Just tell me if you want to marry Agnes, I'll be one of your sponsors." Jason laughed as he pulled the door out. "You're unbelievable." Jason said.

He's life is getting better but not finding where Celine is.

Mahirap hanapin ang taong ayaw magpakita.

Yea, even her Mom can't trace her nor her brother.

"You'll need me for a reason. And when that time comes, you'll never have it."

After that tiring flight. Her brother told him to stay at the hotel first and rest. Celine's is not that comfortable after the long flight. But Celine won't waste any time. She needs to ask Franco immediately. This is actually her last card ang chance for Caelum to live longer.

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