That Beautiful sound

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Okay I know I suck at titles just keep moving 😭😭😂

  "I can't believe that didn't work!" Lydia huffed, falling back onto the couch Beetlejuice had morphed to fit his black and white striped theme. They crashed her father's Dinner party and scared Him, Delia and the rest of his friends half to death. So bad that they just left her there. It almost made her wonder, was it really that easy for her father to leave her like he did her Mother?

"They left didn't they?"  Beetlejuice was flipping through a newspaper the UPS man had dropped when they "kindly" invited him into the house. He seemed upset about whatever he was reading. Granted, Lydia had only known Beetlejuice for a day or two, but reading a newspaper surely didn't seem like his thing.

"Yeah but they said they were going to try and make money off of you! That doesn't piss you off?"

   He didn't respond, and continued to frantically flip through the newspaper. Even the clones looked confused. They stared at him for a few moments, until his hair turned purple and he grimaced. What the hell was going on?

"BJ, what the hell are you-"

"Lydia can you please shut the fuck up?!" The clones took a step back when she did, what the hell was so concerning about some newspaper article. Beetlejuice was a demon, it wasn't like he would know anyone written in one of those boring articles anyway.

  "No! Why don't you tell me why you've got your nose in a god damn newspaper like some civilized adult?"  Beetlejuice cursed under his breath and flipped the paper over.

"Do you know ANYTHING about this woman?"

    Barbra and Adam impatiently sat in the waiting room of the Doctors office. Today was their first appointment, and the first time they'd get to have an ultrasound. One of Barbra's biggest regrets was not making an appointment the first time. She found out pretty late for starters, and her and Adam had been so excited and spent so much time celebrating that they didn't think to book an appointment until it was too late. She remembered that horrible night like it was yesterday.

It was eight o'clock on a Tuesday night, the Maitlands were cuddled on the couch watching some chick flick Barbra picked out. After almost a year of infertility, she was finally  almost seven weeks pregnant! Day by day things became more exciting, like this morning when they noticed her usually flat stomach had the tiniest little bump. Of course she didn't look pregnant to anyone who didn't know, but to them, it meant everything in the world. There was one thing that concerned Adam though, it was common knowledge pregnancy made a woman tired and was pretty hard the first few weeks. But the past few days Barbra was in so much pain and had been so sick, it scared him.. A lot. Even when she would reassure him that this was normal for a first time Mother.
  "Hey, what's wrong?" Adam asked worryingly, feeling Barbra flinch in his arms.
"Just another cramp, I guess." Her voice sounded strained, like she'd never been in more pain in her life. Barbra was squeezing his arm now. Breathing heavily as the pain got worse. ". Adam, I think... something's... wrong!" Everything after that moment was one big blur. The blood, Adam rushing her into their downstairs bathroom and hearing his voice crack as he called 911 neither of them knew what to do.
  Coming home that night was something Adam would love to block out of his memory if he could. Barbra just sat on their bed, holding her pillow, and sobbing like he'd never heard anyone sob before. She wasn't exactly screaming, but it was a horrific and truly devastating sound she made. Barbra was never one to cry, not even when her Grandmother passed away. But no one wanted that baby more than her. Not even Adam who didn't know what else to do except hold her until she had worn herself out and had no more tears left in her body.

"Mrs and Mr. Maitland?" The doctor called, the moment they had been waiting for for so long was about to happen. "Room 666, if you will." Really funny, Adam thought to himself, real funny.         
    "Okay, well you guys can sit. My name is Dr. Lucy Hunterson '', Barbra sat on the patient's bed (A/N I have medical parents and I don't even know what it's called..opps) and Adam took the chair next to her. " Around when did you find out you were pregnant?" Dr.Hunterson was around the same age as the Maitlands, if not slightly older. She had strawberry blond hair and rounded pink cheeks that gave her a baby face.
    "Uhm, Two days ago." Barbra said, her skin had been paler than usual and dark spots were forming under her eyes thanks to being sick all night. "But now that I think about it I've probably been pregnant for two weeks now." Adam grabbed her hand and squeezed it. "I've been feeling off for about that long, but funny enough only started getting sick the morning we found out." Dr.Hunterson jotted down a few notes on her clipboard, seemingly satisfied with the information and never breaking what seemed like a truly genuine smile.
   "Alrighty then, I'm just gonna go ahead and pull out this little machine here and we can start the ultrasound." She paused, "I hate to do this but I have to ask, have you had any miscarriages in the past?" The couple nodded, "Recently?"

"About two months ago" Adam answered for her, " Almost seven weeks along."

"Okay" Dr.Hunterson gave a seemingly understanding nod to Barbra and motioned for her to lay down. "Just pull up your shirt and expect this to be a little cold." She lathered the blue gel onto Barbras flat stomach, moving the ultrasound wand around until a tiny dot came to the center of the screen. "That's it" The Doctor pointed, "Looks like you were right, Mom, you're a little over two weeks along. Would you want to hear the heartbeat?" The Maitlands nodded in unison, knowing the others response without even asking. Dr.Hunterson smiled, "Trust me it is the best sound you will ever hear." Oh how right she was. It was such a simple sound and yet, such a beautiful one. Adam and Barbra smiled at each other, tears swimming in both of their eyes.

"Wow." Was all Adam could muster, Barbra was completely speechless.

"Amazing, right?" Dr.Hunterson said, still smiling, "Just wait until it's born. My little boy was just born this past summer and let me tell you it's the most amazing thing when you hold them in your arms for the first time." She wiped off Barbara's stomach and handed her a prescription and a few pieces of paper, "This is for prenatal vitamins and those papers just have a few symptoms you should expect and a no food list."

   "Thank you, so much." Barbra hugged the doctor.

"Of course!" She hugged back, not really caring how professional it was. Adam awkwardly shook her hand and thanked her as well. "Just call me if you have any questions or concerns and I'll see you in two weeks. Oh! I almost forgot, here's the pictures from the ultrasound."

  Adam and Barbra sat in the MiniVan, staring at the pictures in their hands.

"Adam. It's real, It's really real."   

Ok first things first: Yes. There is a Waitress reference there will ALWAYS be a Waitress reference. Second, props to whoever can guess who the "woman" is bc I can guarantee no one will get it. Also, I love Adam and Barbra. One more thing, someone tell me if this is too sappy or whatever.. I'm a really sappy person but if it's annoying just let me know. Okay that's it. Stay safe ❤️

           ~Brooke 💕

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