The Depths of Sastasha

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Once we ventured forth, it definitely was an underground grotto at one point, or could still be. "Alright, once we start there's no turning back. Is everyone ready?"

"I'm ready,"

An emerald carbuncle had been summoned by Leo with his tome. "Ready,"

Tsuyako seemed to have second thoughts. I stepped up and placed my hand on her shoulder. "Hey, it's alright. We don't have to dive head long into this place. We can take our time and explore the place,"

"I'm not sure I-"

"Your magic capability is astounding, you got this Tsu," Parzi encourages her.

"Alright. I'm ready,"

I nod and grab hold of my axe. In we went, so far it seemed that it was only wildlife in the caves. Black bats, cave aurelia, giant clams which allowed for shade seekers to spawn, even fossil shells. Nothing that screamed pirates.

"Are you sure there's pirates here?" Leo wondered aloud. He proceeded to lean on a red coral which seemed to have pushed a hidden button.

"Leo! You're a genius!" I said, as we all heard something in the distance. There, what seemed like a dead end, an inconspicuous switch was revealed. But that wasn't all, an angry Chopper appeared.

"Alex, watch out!" Parzi shouted.

I turned only a little too late, as the Choppers' claws dug into my armor. I flew a few ilms from it as I rose to my feet. "That's one angry coreul."

Tsuyako ran my way as her hand glowed a soft blue. "Come let's us deal with it. Do try not to kill it, it may have a family,"

I nod, like I wanted to kill it. Though this world isn't exactly fair with that. I proceeded to provoke it, as it turned back to me before it could slash Leo. It's next attack I was able to parry though still pushed back from it. Parzi used his arrows to try and immobilize it, that didn't seem to help as much as we thought.

After a few tries, we managed to fell the poor creature, not dead, thankfully. "Phew, I thought that fight would never end,"

"Speak for yourself, I nearly ran out of magic," Leo whined. His little carbuncle tilted its head, as if it wanted to roll its eyes.

"Ha, and if you ran out of magic Leo, you might have been too exhausted to even speak," Tsuyako lectured.

Leo flailed his arms, panicking. "Alex! She's scary,"

"Ha, you really haven't seen scary." I told as I pushed the switch. Sure enough, the wall rose up and revealed a new tunnel. We marched on with caution as footsteps could be heard up ahead. "I'll scout further and give you a signal to head up,"

They nod as I readied my axe for the next wave of enemies. There was a a single man, with two scurvy dogs. I beckon to them as I grabbed the attention. I chose to take out the dogs first, as they could easily overpower anyone of us.

"How the hell did you get here?!"

"No need to be concerned on that," I said.

The man seemed to be part of the Serpent Reavers, but unmarked. He seemed to be a watchmen for the moment.

Somehow this man was slightly smart and tried to get reinforcements, though too little, too late. We managed to cut him low before he even thought to make a run for it. We pressed on until voices were heard.

"Ye sure of this, Cap?"

"Our lives 're on the line. Course I'm sure, now keep watch like I told ye!"

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