Chapter no. I

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Jirou POV

Sometimes, I wonder how just one human being can be so beautiful. Do you think she knows how gorgeous she is? I hope somebody tells her that, even though it's not me. Every single feature is pure perfection, from her meticulously styled raven hair, to her kind dark eyes. She scrunches her face and looks down to scribble something in her little red notebook.
God, everything she does is freaking adorable!
"Jirou, would you care to answer numbers 8 for the class?"
"Huh?" I look away from Yaomomo to see Aizawa standing over me.
"Oh, uhmm," I stutter, blushing hard. Did he see me staring at her?
"Pay attention Jirou, I see much potential in you, but you must keep up your school work, not just physical training. I think less daydreaming would do you plenty good."
"Yes sensei" I mutter, wondering how my face can gain this red pigment so quickly.
Aizawa stalks back to the blackboard, but now he watches me more intently.
I try not to stare at Yaomomo for the rest of the class, but I can't help sneaking a few peeks.

Momo POV

After class is finished, I pack away my books into my bag. On the other side of the room, I see Jirou struggling to shove her notes into her full bag.
I smile and walk over to her desk.
"Care for a hand?"
"Oh, uh, yes please."
I sort her papers into piles and clip her purple binder shut.
"Oops I forgot one!" I reach over to a crumpled paper and she snatches it away quickly.
"You can't see that!"
I cock my head at her.
"It's just, uh, a private thing."
"Ah, I'm sorry, I didn't know."
"No! Don't be sorry! I overreacted!" She turns her head away, blushing, and twiddles her earphone jacks between her fingers.
Man she looks so cute when she does that
I shake my head. You don't think that's cute in a romantic way, just in a friend way. Stop being weird.
"Yaomomo, was wondering if you could maybe, help me out with some math?"
"Oh, uh, yeah! That would be fine!"
She grins up at me.
"I saw you were having trouble paying attention today in math" I say to her, remembering from before.
Jiro blushes furiously.
"Yeah, my mind was on someone-someTHING else." She turns back to me. "How does tonight sound? 8:00?"
"It's a date!"
Oh my god why did I say that!? Don't panic, fix it!
"Not like, a date date, that would be weird, I mean! Your not weird, but that would be weird if we had a date, but not really! I would date you, I mean, I would-"
"Yaomomo, I know what you meant, it's fine" Jirou laughs, gripping my shoulder.
"I'll see you at 8 then?"
I struggle to find my words. "Oh, yes!"
She grabs her bag and turns away, before looking back. "Sorry, I forgot to thank you for helping me with my papers."
"No problem!"
She waves and walks out of the class, leaving me feeling completely humiliated.

Jirou POV

Oh my god, we're going on a date!
No Jirou! It's not a date, it's studying.
But that's what people say they are doing when there really on a date!
But she's a girl!
Yeah, that's pretty damn obvious!
Just shut up!
The two voices in my head debate as I walk down the hall.
She almost saw your drawing of her! What would you do then?! Stop being so reckless!
God, she didn't see it!
My eyes are fixed upon my feet, until I bump right into my best friend, Denki Kaminari.
"Kyo! I've been looking for you!" Kami says as I push my face away from his chest and regain my balance.
"What are you doing tonight?" He continues, not letting me speak.
"I'm studying."
"Noooooo! Come on you never have time for meeee!"
I chuckle. "I hung out with you last night Kami, and you heard Aizawa, I need to focus on schoolwork."
He rolls his eyes at me and smirks. "Since when do you care about schoolwork and studying?"
I glare at him. "Since when do you ask so many questions?"
I try to keep walking, but he grabs my collar.
"You know I saw you staring at Yaomomo today."
I feel my face flush and turn away, but he corrects my chin toward him with a glide of his finger.
"I wasn't-" 
"Kyo, when will you admit you like her!"
I punch his bicep and turn around quickly to see if anybody overheard him. "Shut up Kami! I can't like her! She's a girl!"
Denki's brow furrows and he leans up against the wall.
"Have you ever heard of being gay?"
Somehow, my face becomes a deeper scarlet then it already was. "I'm not gay."
"What? Is that a bad thing?"
"No! I'm not homophobic or anything, it's just-"
"Look babe, don't be ashamed! Have you seen Kirishimas gay ass!?"
"Kami, I don't want to talk about this right now, okay? When we have a little more privacy maybe?" 
He sighs and kisses the top of my head. "You know you can always talk to me."
"I know..."
I awkwardly rub the back of my neck, then give him a hug. "Does tomorrow work?" I ask.
He grumbles and hugs me back. "Yeah, but you suck!"
I laugh and hurry off to my room to get ready for tonight's dat- study session! Get it together Jirou!

Momo POV

"A date, why did you say a date! You are so ignorant Momo!" I say to myself as I rummage through my wardrobe, trying to find something decent for tonight. "Yeah, she probably thinks your super weird."
I jump and cover my scream as Shouto Todoroki emerges from my dresses.
"You idiot! What are you doing in my wardrobe!" "Waiting for you, what else would I be doing?"
I push him out of the way and continue to search through my clothes.
"Sometimes I really don't like you Shouto."
"Love you too."
I laugh, and he stands beside me, also flicking through my clothing.
"So you heard everything?"
"Yep. You really need to stop talking to yourself when somebody could be hiding in your wardrobe"
"People usually tend to just knock on my door instead of hiding in my clothes"
I look away from a turtleneck and squint at him. "How did you even get into my room?"
Shoto gestures to the door and I see the lock had been picked.
"Idiot" I breath, pulling out a floral boatneck blouse and holding it up to him.
"You're the idiot here if your planning on wearing that." I kick his shin. "What's wrong with it?"
He raises one of his eyebrows at me, which always makes me giggle. "Your on a hot date, not playing at the park Momo."
I wonder how somebody as cool and serious as Shouto can always manage to be so funny. "Okay then, what did the fashion expert find?"
He pulls something out from the closet.
"And it's not a date!" I add as he lays out a baby blue romper.
We stare at it.
"I must admit, it's perfect for the occasion."
"Of corse, it's very important. Only the best for my Momo."
I crack a grin and start to mindlessly tidy my room.
"Are we ever going to talk about it?" I see him turn to me, holding a light cardigan.
"Erm, what do you mean? I'm studying with Jirou, what's there to talk about?"
He chucks a pair of pale white flats at me. "You know exactly what I mean Momo."
"No, I don't" I huff, determined to stand my ground.
"Do you like her?" Shouto presses. "That was a stupid thing to ask, of course you do, but you will deny it" he says, almost to himself, before I can answer.
"Well, you're not going to believe me are you?"
Shouto shakes his head as he presses a pair of silver studs in my hands.
"Jirou will be here any second now, so I'm leaving." "Thanks Shouto" I mumble, pushing the earrings through my lobes.
He swiftly moves to the door and sees himself out.
I pace around my room, making sure everything looks absolutely perfect just as I hear a soft knock on my door. 

Hey thanks to literary anybody reading! I'm sorry about the long chapter! Maybe consider following me? Voting? That would be really noice.
I'll be writing the next one very soon! ♥️♥️♥️

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