Chapter no. XIV

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Jirou POV

Daddo B)
<Morning my little rockstar! Give the old man a call when you aren't busy saving the world ;)

I sit up groggily, looking at my phone. Friends was somehow still playing on the laptop and we had made it to season five overnight.
Yaomomo was still sleeping, looking positively adorable in the dim light of the computer screen.
I adjust the blanket so her arm was fully covered and hop out of bed into my Homers. I thought now was a good time to call because I would have some privacy before everybody else got up. Not wanting to disturb Yaomomo, I pull on my Deep Dope hoodie and make my way to the common room.
"Hey hey champ! How you been?" Dad asks when he picks up.
"I've been great actually, you?"
"Your mom and I have been doing just fine!" he answers cheerily.
I smile to myself as I hear him turn down the Stones music, definitely a vinyl.
"Are you talking to the girl Kyoutoku?" I hear my mothers voice in the background.
"Hold on, let me put you on speaker phone so your mom can hear you" Dad says.
Some fumbling follows before Mom comes on the line.
"Hiya darling!"
I pull the phone away from my ear a little because she was practically screaming. "Hey Mom."
"Tell me what's new and exiting in the world of a hero" Dad says.
I can picture his happy smiling face as he talks to me.
"Nothing really" I shrug.
"How is Denki? Has he been taking care of you?" Dad asks me, his voice deepening as he gets all responsible and protective.
"Yes Dad" I sigh.
"He's keeping you away from all those nasty boys?"
Good thing they couldn't see me because I was beet red at that question. "Dad!"
"Hey, is a man not allowed to be worried about his daughter?"
"Oh ignore your father" Mom says.
"What's going on with you guys?" I ask, trying to change the subject away from boys.
"We haven't been too busy, doing a lot of gardening and stuff" Dad said in a bored voice.
"But who cares, we're old and boring. Let's cut to the chase here. We called because we were wondering if you could come over for supper sometime Saturday?" Mom cuts in.
"For sure! What time are you thinking?"
"Uh, maybe eight-ish? Does that work of you?" Dad offers me.
Yaomomo walks into the common room and we exchange little silent smiles.
"Eight is fine."
There's more fumbling noises followed by some snuffling. "Can you hear Axl? I think he's talking to you."
Axl Rose is our ancient Great Pyrenees.
"Hey Axl, buddy!" I say to the dog.
He woofs into the phone like he understood.
"He is saying he can't wait to see you on Friday" Dad interprets for me.
Axl barks again.
"And that he loves you very much."
"Aw I love you too puppy" I laugh. "I also love you guys."
"We love you too peanut" says Dad.
"See you tomorrow!" Mom says.
"Bye Mom and Dad! Bye Axl!" I hang up and sit down next to Yaomomo on the couch. "I'm going to have supper with my family on Saturday" I inform her as she looked curious.
"That will be nice" she says.
"I haven't seen them for a while so, yeah it will!" I chuckle.
She goes into the kitchen. "Let's leave some food for Ira in your room."
I join her and sit on the edge of the counter.
She opens the refrigerator and turns to me. "You know, I've always wondered what Deep Dope is? Is it a band?" Yaomomo asks, noticing my sweater.
"Oh, yeah it is. It's my brothers band so I get a bunch of merch from him" I respond, looking down at the print on my chest.
"You have never mentioned you had a bother before" she says, almost as a question.
"I didn't really think anybody would be interested" I shrug.
Have I not talked about Kieta before?
"Tell me about him."
I think what about him I should tell Yaomomo. "Well his name is Kieta, and he is twenty. I don't really see him that often because he's at collage far away from home."
She nods and opens a tuna can.
"Here" I pull my phone out and find a picture of Kieta. It was one of my favourite ones.
In the picture, it had just started to get dark outside and I professionally captured the artistic pink sunset in the background. Kieta was on the beach leaning against his red motorcycle, wearing his big leather jacket, a cigarette hanging from his mouth. His long black hair was styled in an attempted ponytail, but it had come loose and was falling loosely over his dark shadowed eyes.
"He took me to see his concert that night" I tell Yaomomo. "He's the drummer, if you couldn't tell by his hair."
Yaomomo laughs heartily.
"After the concert, he drove me to the beach on his Kawasaki Ninja. Her name is Scarlet by the way" I continue.
"Why is he doing the middle finger?" she asks.
I laugh out loud. "Because I stole his aviators. This is a  pretty rare picture of his eyes because he always has them damned things on. We call him Johnny Fever because they have an orange tint."
His lips were smiling around his cigarette in the mischievous way they do when he's really happy.
I came to the realization, looking at this picture, of how much I really did miss Kieta. It had been a few months since I saw him last and I was suddenly missing him even more.
"Kieta seems really cool" she says, glancing back at the photo again.
"Trust me, he is" I sigh, slipping my phone back into my hoodie pocket. "You are an only child, correct?"
She kicks the cupboard door shut with her foot. "Mhm."
"That must be kind of weird" I say.
I couldn't picture myself as an only child but I feel like it would suck.
"Not really. I still would play with other children and things like that, mainly Shouto" she replies, starting to my dorm to feed Ira. "We would visit each other's homes often."
I pictured what Yaomomo's house was like. I think it would be pretty ritzy, considering how wealthy the Yaoyorozu family is. I bet they will make loads more after Yaomomo becomes a pro hero.
"Tell me about your family" I say.
She opens my door and Ira was waiting for us on the bed. "My family?" she repeats my question as if it was something very complex.
"Uhm, yeah. Like, your parents and stuff" I say, rubbing Ira's stomach.
"Father is a brain surgeon but he is an author on the side, and Mother is the head of Yaoyorozu finance" she said in a deadpan manner.
I wait for her to continue but she doesn't. "Er, what I meant was, what are they like, not what they do for a living" I say.
She blinks. "Oh."
I wait for her to respond again. Was it that hard to come up with something to say about your family?
"They're... nice?"
"Look, I'm not entirely sure what you want me to say Kyouka" she huffs.
Why was she angry with me? "I didn't mean to hit a nerve or anything."
"No, I'm sorry. It's just, my parents are... different then yours I guess" she says. "They aren't musicians or anything like that, and I don't have any cool siblings to tell you about either."
I give Ira the fish and he purrs happily. "My parents aren't cool, trust me" I chuckle. "But it's alright if you don't have anything to tell me about your parents."
Yaomomo pulls her legs up close to her chest and rests her chin on her knees.
"Are you alright?" I ask.
She looks to the floor and nods.
I recognized her expression as the face you have when you are trying not to cry. "Hey" I whisper, wrapping my arms around her. "It's okay." I had no idea what had upset her so quickly but I know if I was in her place, I wouldn't want to be questioned about it right away.
She sniffs. "I-I'm sorry Kyouka."
"No need to apologize."
A tear dripped down onto her cheek and I wipe it away with my thumb. Though she was crying, her eyes weren't puffy and her face was still.
"I don't know why I'm breaking down like this, I just haven't wanted to think about it." She takes a raggedy breath.
"I get it, I really do. Sometimes you just need to let it out, know what I mean?" I squeeze her shoulders.
Yaomomo smiles softly and leans into my touch.
"We don't have to talk about it" I say.
I was kind of hoping she would want to because I was worried about her.
"No, I want to" she insists. Yaomomo sniffles before she speaks. "I have been worrying. You and I have been together for a while and it has been bothering me that it can't stay a secret forever."
I nod, wanting her to continue.
"So when you mentioned my parents... I started worrying about what they will think of me when the time comes I have to tell them."
I furrow my brow. I hadn't even thought of telling my parents about Yaomomo and I until now. I haven't even come out to them yet.
"I just- I just don't want them to be disappointed in me" she heaves. "I'm scared Kyouka. I'm scared of what they will say."
I hold her closer to me, trying to comfort the both of us. What will my parents say?
"What if they don't accept me? What if they don't like you? What if they ignore us and say it's just a faze?"
"Yaomomo, you're spiralling" I stop her.
She shuts her eyes tight. "Right, sorry, this is the first time I've really allowed myself to think about it."
I desperately try and think of anything I could say to make her feel better. "Yaomomo, I don't know what your parents are like, but I don't think you would be, like, shunned or anything" I say the last part with a little laugh because it sounded bad out loud.
"But I have to tell them sooner or later, what if they do shun me?" she asks.
The way her voice cracks just the tiniest bit makes me want to cry too. "I didn't mean to put that thought in your head, just ignore what I said" I sigh.
She stands up, pulling herself together much quicker than I ever will be able to. "Look, I can worry about this later, we have to go to class now."
I would rather do anything but go to class right now. Yaomomo had just started opening up to me and I didn't want to let it go. "Uh... what if you meet my parents first?" I blurt. "Then it would make you feel better about your parents reactions." I don't remember ever thinking of this suggestion until it came out of my mouth. It wasn't a bad idea, but what if my parents were homophobic or something? No, they aren't. They've never talked much about sexuality before but I somehow know that they will be supportive.
Yaomomo wipes a tear away with her sleeve and was clearly considering this. "Would they, be alright with that?"
I nod. "My parents have been nagging me that if I ever meet somebody to bring him home so Dad can judge him" I chuckle.
"Him? Do they not know about..."
"No, I haven't come out to my family yet" I finish for her.
"So how do you know they will be supportive?" she quipped.
I swallow hard. "Well, I just, know. Don't worry about it alright?"
Yaomomo nods, looking slightly disbelieving. "When are you thinking of doing it?"
"I'm seeing them this Friday, I can ask them if it's okay to bring someone I want them to meet" I offer.
"Okay then."
I get off the bed and pull Yaomomo into a very much needed hug.
"Thank you Kyouka. I am grateful for you doing this" she murmurs.
"It's really nothing" I say. "I'll call my Dad and Mom right now."
She smiles down at me and tilts my chin up to her face.
It's always hard not to melt into a dizzy gay puddle when she does that.
She kisses me softly.
I could probably put off calling my parents, but I know that they need some notice beforehand.
Yaomomo ends the kiss which is good because I most likely would not have been able to myself.
"I'll go ask them before they go off to work" I tell her.
She nods and looks at Ira who was peacefully sleeping on top of my bass amp. "You know, we've only been feeding him for a few days but he is already starting to gain weight."
I can see what Yaomomo means.
Ira was still rather skinny, but you couldn't see his ribs anymore. He wasn't at all overweight, but he had definitely fattened up a bit.
"Well that's good. Now he isn't such a stick" I laugh.

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