Chapter no. V

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Jirou POV

"So what's the next movie?" Kirishima asks, once again standing on his table.
"Kiri, everybody is asleep, I think I'm going to head up to my room" I answer.
"Nooo! Come on! Tonight is not over!" he whines, frantically searching around the sleeping bags for
another awake human being. He is unsuccessful, as him and I are the only ones still conscious.
"But it's a sleepover Jirou! The point is you SLEEP OVER!"
"Well, this floor is really uncomfortable."
He stomps his foot, then apparently giving up, lies down beside Bakugou.
I slowly move Yaomomo's head off my shoulder and pack up my things.
"Huh?" she rolls over to face me. "Where are you going?"
"Going back to my room. I'd rather sleep on my own bed then on the laminate. Plus, Sero is snoring incredibly loudly" I whisper, gesturing to a drooling Hanta.
"I'll come with you then, I'd rather be with you anyway" she says, unzipping her cocoon.
"Come on then."
We finish up with our mats and climb over the other students.
As we pass him, Shinsou grabs my leg, but when I look at him, he's just dreaming.
"I wonder what that's about" Yaomomo giggles as I try and free my leg from his tight grasp.
We tip-toe away from the sea of sleeping bags and into my dark dorm. We both flop down onto my mattress and stare at my red and black checked ceiling.
"That was a pretty good movie" she says to me while snuggling underneath my quilt.
"Yeah, though the stepmom always freaks me out" I chime.
I pull of my high-tops and climb in next to her.
We lay there for a little, then Yaomomo informs me "Kirshima was totally holding hands with Bakugou tonight."
"I believe you" I say "They're so cute together."
"I'll say. I'm pretty sure they were in the same sleeping bag at one point" she laughs.
"I ship them so hard." I reach over onto my side table and grab my phone. Plugging in my jacks, I hit shuffle on a random playlist Spotify recommend for me.
"What's that your doing?" I hear her ask through my music.
"Oh, just listening to music. It helps me sleep. Does it bother you? I can turn it off..."
"No! It's fine, I don't mind at all!"
I reach over to my table again and pull a splitter out from the drawer. Plugging in a pair of headphones, I hand them to Yaomomo.
I Never Promised you a Rose Garden by Suicide Machines starts to play.
I begin to relax, then consider I'm not the only one who finds punk rock a good before bed genre. "Heh, maybe I should change it to somethings little more soothing for you" I offer.
"No don't, I like it." She closes her black, twinkling eyes.
"My grandma used to sing this song to me when I was little" I whisper.
"Your grandma liked The Suicide Machines?"
"No" I chuckle "it's originally a western song. It's one of the only country songs that don't make me want to rip off my ears actually."
Her eyes open. "That's really sweet. Your grandma has good taste in music."
"She did."

I bet your pardon
I never promised you a rose garden
Along with the sunshine
There's gotta be a little rain sometime


I open my eyes and feel Yaomomo's warm figure laying next to me. The music is still playing, but now it's The Kinks.

Well I'm not the worlds most passionate guy
But when I looked in her eyes well I almost fell for
My Lola

I unplug my ears and flip my sheet off of me. Checking my phone, I see it's only 6:30.
Since when do I wake up that early?
Remembering it's a Monday, I open my wardrobe and pick out my school uniform. I glance over my shoulder to see her still sleeping, and decide it's best not to wake her just yet. I quickly change behind my folding screen, then hear a loud vibrating.
Yaomomo has sat up and is rubbing her gorgeous black eyes. "Your phone is ringing" she observes, handing it to me with a little smile.
I return the grin, then answer it. "Hullo?"
"Hey! It's Ochako!"
I mouth who it is to a curious looking Yaomomo. "Sup?"
"Nothing too good. Tsu started puking this morning."
"Lovely. Do you know what's happened?"
"She called her mom and she's picking her up to go to the doctor in just a bit. She's starting to feel a little better."
"Well that really blows. How can I help?"
"I was wondering if you could tell Aizawa? He's still sleeping and you know how he can be in the morning. Tsu's mom will write a note."
"Of course! Anything!"
"Thanks a bunch Jirou."
I hang up.
Yaomomo is brushing her hair, flicking through her own phone. "Everything alright with Ochako?"
"Asui has to go to the doctor. She started to ralphing this morning."
She cringes. "Yetch, I hate barfing so much."
"I have to go get in uniform, but could we walk to class together?" she says, gliding toward the hall.
"Sure. Meet you in the kitchen?"
She gives me a thumbs up and the door clicks shut behind her.
Not to long after she's gone, I shrug on my jacket, grab my tie and follow where she had left, walking down the hallway. I hear footsteps behind me. I know it's Kami because when he walks, he picks up his feet really fast, because he's trying to be stealthy I imagine.
Before I can twist around to him, he claps his hands over my eyes and shrieks "Guess who!"
"Uh, Michael Kelso."
"Unfortunately not, though many say I'm just as sexy as Ashton Kutcher himself."
"Nobody says that."
"Oh sure they do." He removes his hands from my eyes and starts squirming around as we walk.
I sigh. "What's your damage?"
He jumps in front of me, the stupidest look on his face.
"Do I want to know?" I move around him and don't stop walking.
He begins to walk upside down on his hands beside me.
"Just tell me what's up Kami."
"What makes you think there's something up?" he purrs.
"You only act this stupid when you want to tell me something, so I'll ask again, do I want to know?"
He finally gives up the act. "Oh trust me, you want to fucking know sweetheart! Last night, my lips locked with a certain student from class 1C, not saying who but it was Hitoshi."
I bend over to look at his upside down grin. "No way man! You made out with Shinsou?!"
"I wouldn't say 'make out', but yes, there was a lil game of tonsil hockey going on not gonna lie."
"You a mad lad Chargebolt."
He flips himself up from his hands and ruffles my hair. "He's so dreamy isn't he?" he swoons, taking the tie from my hands and wrapping it around my neck.
"Oh so dreamy."
He finishes tying my tie and sings "Your cute, lemme get you a Pop-Tart."
"If you insist."
We strut into the kitchen and Kami cartwheels over to Sero and Kiri, to tell them about Shinsou I imagine. "Gimme a sec, snag us a spot Kyo!" he calls, mid-aerial.
I wander over to the counter and rest on one of the red calf stools.
He just spilled about Shinsou, this is your opportunity to tell him about Yaomomo!
I start to mentally prepare myself, but then an overwhelming sense of fear ripples through my body.
I'm just being a noodle
I tell myself.
A noodle is what Kami and I say we are when we're really nervous about something. We came up with it when he got his ears pierced and was really scared. It sounds weird, I know, but it does make sense: you really do feel all limp and gross when your upset like that, just like a noodle.
I laugh to myself, remembering me soothing him in the tattoo parlour.
You can do it Kami! Don't be a noodle! Be hard! Be Kirishima!
"Oi! Heads up my little daydreamer!" Kami yeets a Pop-Tart at me. "Nice catch!" He scotches his stool closer to mine and shoves his pastry into his mouth whole.
Come on Kyouka! Just say it! Not that hard!
"Hey, I uh, have something to tell you Kami" I force.
"Yes, quite. Do go on."
I gulp. "Well, you know how I-"
"Ay Pikachu!"
I sigh in relief as Bakugou marches over to us. "Is it true Brain Fuck had his tongue down your throat last night?"
Kaminari scowls. "His tongue wasn't 'down my throat' Bakugou. Not everything has to be smutty you know." He turns away from the boy and I see him mouth to me "tonsil hockey!"
I stifle a giggle.
"Well whatever you did, nice job." Bakugou fist-bumped him.
Kami's jaw drops. "T-thanks man."
Bakugou nods. "I didn't even know you were gay."
Kami wrings his hands. "I think I'm bi actually. Don't really know yet."
"You'll figure it out. Welcome to the club." He leaves, Kaminari still gaping.
"Did Bakugou just have a civilized conversation with me?"
"I think so."
In his surprise, he seemed to forget about what we were saying before the other boy arrived.
I didn't bring it back up.


Momo POV

Jirou waves at me from the opposite side of the hall. "Greetings-" she says.
"-and salutations" I finish.
"Well hello there JD!" she laughs, obviously happy I understood.
"Is my Veronica ready to depart?" I joke.
"Most certainly." She fluffs up her hair making me burst out in laughter.
"You look just like Winona."
Jirou links her arm in mine and we waltz outside into the cool morning air.
She pulls out her phone. "I'm gonna ask Uraraka how Asui is doing" she explains before I can question.
We walk in silence for awhile before Jirou asks me "Did you know Kami and Shinsou kissed last night?"
"I did not."
She explains what Kaminari had told her this morning.
"Good for him, I didn't realize he was gay" I exclaim.
"He thinks he's bi, but he's still figuring it out."
There's a slight pause before she adds "Kind of like us."
We both laugh weakly at her comment.
I break the silence. "Going to be honest, I never really thought about myself being gay."
"Well I did!"
"Yeah, but I never really took it seriously. I'm kind of the stereotypical lesbian, you know, people always make jokes about my sexuality. But, I didn't consider the possibility of me genuinely liking girls."
Another pause.
"That is, until I met you" she finished. Jirou begins to fiddle with her earphone jacks and blushes like she always does when she's embarrassed.
I put my arm around her shoulder and she reaches up to take my hand without looking at me.
Oh God. I had no idea she felt this way. Even though all this is confusing for me because I only just started questioning my feelings not too long ago, it must have been really tough for Jirou, going through the stage of denial that I did, but for so much longer. A surge of pity fills my heart as I look to Jirou. I'm not able to read her, but I can only imagine what she's talking about isn't too easy to say aloud.
She faces me once more and gives a small smile, not wanting to stay serious for long. Jirou continues. "But it's okay Yaomomo. It doesn't matter what I am, as long as I'm with you. You can call me what you like, and if that makes me gay, then I'm alright with that."
We round a corner.
I try and say something to her, but I'm tongue tied by her words.
It doesn't matter what I am as long as I'm with you.
Her solemn words echo through my head.
I attempt to speak again, but no sound escapes from my mouth. You know what? Fuck talking. I push her against the wall and pull her into a kiss.

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