Chapter no. IX

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Momo POV

I was ecstatic when sensei said a pro had wanted to train me, even after my terrible fight at the festival. I scorn myself silently once again for my lack of skill battling Tokoyami. I could have done so much better if I just took the time to plan it out.
Stupid Momo. Stupid stupid Momo.
Shouto must have read my mind because he leans over from beside me. "I swear if your upset about Fumikage again. Momo, you need to stop beating yourself up. If you did so 'bad', then why did a pro want to take you in?"
I grumble, though the telepathic wizard does make a point. I start to read my options but sensei tells us to do work.
I can wait till later to read it I guess.
My start to lay out my notes when Bakugou throws a paper airplane at me. Aizawa sensei is still sleeping at his desk so I open it cautiously. I really don't feel like going to the sleepover but I know that 'no' isn't an option when it comes to Mina. I sigh, knowing that I can't get out of it easily.
Hey, Jirou wrote her name. Maybe it won't be so bad.
I scratch down Hot 3D printer because I noticed the pattern of stupid nicknames, most of them out group chat profiles that we can't change (Mina's doing again.) Looking back up to the teacher, I toss the note back to Ashido. It flew quite well and glided right onto her desk.
She unfolds it and nods to herself. I know she's already planning something stupid for us to do.
I try and focus on my work again but my eye keep flicking over to the back of Jirou's head.
I wish she sat somewhere where I could see her face.
It was killing me that she wouldn't turn around, but why would she? Just like that, she pivots in her chair to say something to Kaminari and I catch a glimpse of her.
He snorts loudly.
"Is there something amusing you would like to share with the class Jirou?" Aizawa had magically teleported right in front of her desk.
"Yes it is amusing but no, I don't think I want to share thanks for the offer" she said facing him.
"Is it work related?"
She raises her eyebrows.
"Well of course it isn't. Is it an appropriate topic to be discussing in school?"
"It is not."
"So maybe you would like to come see me after class."
"I would love to spend some quality time with you sensei!" she says, not sounding very sarcastic.
"Thats a punishment but good enthusiasm. Now do your damn work" he growled, sounding very worn out, I assume because he didn't finish his nap.
"Yeah sure" she mumbles, sticking her tongue out childishly after he turn around.
"I saw that."


"Hey Crafting Table! Over here!"
I veer over to the table where the voice came from.
"I thought she was Hot 3D printer?" Kiri asks Mina.
"That ones more accurate you're right" Sero says.
"How about Sexy Crafting Table?" Jirou suggests, making us all laugh.
"Perfect!" Mina says, clapping her hands together and pulling her phone out of her skirt to change my name on the group chat.
I slide my Lunch Rush tray down beside Jirou, throwing a strawberry milk to Shouto.
"Is the milk like a thing you two do? I see you guys drinking it together all the time" Jirou questions.
"I guess so" he answers for us, spreading the paper carton flaps.
"We both just like it, I don't know" I shrug, opening my own pink milk.
"That's really cute" she mused, picking a narutomaki out from her ramen with her chopsticks.
"Hey congrats to Kiri, Bakugou and Yaoyorozu for getting scouted!" Kaminari cheers.
Kirishima and I thank him while Bakugou throws a spring roll at him.
Kaminari catches it in his mouth and we give him a round of applause.
The boys continue to talk about how cool it is the pros are going to train us, but I was getting a little annoyed with the attention. As much as Shouto contradicts me, I still can't help secretly feeling I was chosen because I was taken pity on.
I barely even got to do anything against Tokoyami!
Why didn't Midoriya get chosen? He would have made a much better student then me, he actually put up a decent fight against Shouto!
"Yaomomo?" Jirou touches my hand. "You good?"
"Huh? Oh yeah." I break apart my chopsticks and bite into my tempura to avoid her disbelieving look.
"Sooo" Mina says, crawling over to us in the booth. "You ladies ready for tonight?"
I nod my head and Jirou slurps up her ramen as some kind of acknowledgement.
"Wait, don't you have detention Jirou?" she asks.
"If that's what you call it" she uttered.
"That won't take all night" I comment.
Jirou and Mina start whistling All Night Long at the exact same time.
"Do you have to do that every signs time somebody says a song name Kyo?" Kaminari sighs.
"-Yaoyorozu, who offered to train you?" Kirishima cuts into our conversation.
"I haven't checked out my sheet yet, how about you?"
"I think I'm gonna intern at Fourth Kind agencies, he's super manly" he tells me, showing his shark-like grin.
"I can't believe Midoriya wasn't on the list!" chirps Sero.
I see Midoriya give a frown on the other side of the cafeteria.
"I think he should have been nominated" says Shouto quietly.
"What? He almost beat you dude! And don't you hate Izuku?" Kaminari pointed out.
"I don't hate him, he's just rather irritating most times" he states, polishing off his cold soba. "Without Midoriya, I never would have begun using my left side. I was too busy being mad at my father to even think about fully using my quirk, even though it's mine" he continues. "One day I'll thank him."
A pause follows his words.
"OH COME ON ICY-HOT! I THOUGHT YOU WERE COOL NOT A FUCKING DEKU LOVER!" screeches Bakugou, slapping his hands down on the table in anger.
"I think that's really manly of you to admit that" Kirishima croaked, holding one hand to his hand to his heart, the other rubbing a steaming Bakugou's back.
Shouto shrugs modestly. "I have to get over my daddy issues some time."
Sero and Kaminari pester me about my internship all throughout the lunch period until the bell finally rang.
"Aw damn!" Mina moans, pouring the rest of her orange Ramune down her throat. "I'm starting a petition for longer lunches" she declared.
"I'll sign" Jirou tells her.
"Same here" Denki agreed, throwing his balled up napkin over to the trash can. He misses, earning a bunch of "boos" from Bakugou.
Jirou crumples up her own napkin and tosses it. It just makes it into the garbage, making Bakugou whoop. "Ears can throw way better then you Short Circuit!"
She gives a bow and Kaminari whispers "Show off."

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