Chapter no. IV

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Momo POV

"So..." Shouto says, pulling out a stool for me at the nook.
"So what?" I ask, wanting him to hear the annoyance in my voice.
"So are you ever planning on telling me what's going on with Jirou and you?"
"I'm not in the mood for this Shouto" I say under my breath.
He pushes his long red-white hair out of his rolling eyes, then makes his way over to the cupboards.
I should tell him about it.
But what's there to tell? You're not dating her or anything, you just kissed, that's all.
That's all.
I look over at Jirou to see Kaminari has abandoned her just like Shouto had to me. I figure she didn't tell him anything either. If she did, he would be all over her.
I smile to myself, Kaminari is pretty funny. I don't know him too well, but he's not as annoying as all the other boys. I find Jirous friend over at the cupboards, pouring himself a bowl of Nutter Butter.
Shouto approaches him and they start to converse.
Honestly, I can see them as a couple.
They have serious expressions on their faces, and keep looking over their shoulders.
I bet Jirou could use her quirk to listen in, but that's being rude.
I wouldn't want anybody eavesdropping on my conversations.
I don't think she would abuse her power like that.
Kaminari hands him the cereal and they fist bump before he returns to Jirou.
"I got you a muffin." Shouto touched my shoulder and hands me a chocolate one.
"Oh, thanks" I say, aborting stalking Jirou and the boy. We eat in silence before I can't take it anymore.
"What were you are Kaminari whispering about?"
He doesn't answer right away. Instead, he takes a good fifteen seconds to finish chewing his breakfast. He swallows and takes a long drink of strawberry milk. "Why should I tell you anything?" he responds at last.
I wince.
He's right. Why should I keep all my secrets from him while he spills his guts to me?
I decide to keep my mouth shut for the rest of the meal.

Jirou POV

I rarely use my jacks to spy on people. It makes me feel dishonest because I have the advantage there, so I tend only to use them in that way when fighting villains.
But I was really curious of what Todoroki was saying to Kami. I was about to plug my ears into the ground, but I then considered how much I would hate if somebody had my quirk and did it to me. I change my mind: Kami wouldn't keep anything serious from me.
Or would he?
I've been pretty secretive these past few days, maybe he's mad and doesn't trust me anymore.
Maybe I really should tell him about Yaomomo and I. Or, I could wait until there's something more to tell.
Kami returns to me and I don't question anything.


After breakfast, I head to the bathroom to brush my teeth.
Unsurprisingly, every single girl is in there, including Yaomomo. She looks as cute as ever, doing her long black hair into her signature ponytail.
"Hey Jirou! Where were you this morning?!" Ashido bounds over to me with a pink toothbrush hanging from her mouth.
"Morning stroll" I say, moving to the sink next to hers. "Alrighty then!" she exclaims.
I'll have to use that excuse more.
I begin to brush my teeth over the basin, Mina singing the Friends theme song beside me.
We all clapped in unison, and Hagakure starts to belt out the verses from the shower.
I wash my face, then swipe on some eyeshadow.
Then Mina starts yelling at Uraraka because she likes Joey more then Phoebe.
"How could Phoebe be better than Joey!?" Tsu hollers.
"Were just going to forget about Chandler?!" I hear Kirishima scream from the boys bathroom.
"How can he even hear us?!"
"I always kind of liked Ross" I hear Ojiro say quietly.
I run out of the bathroom to avoid the responses to that.
I almost feel bad for him, but he deserves it for liking Ross. I walk down the hall to my room, when I hear somebody's footsteps behind me.
"Hey, wait up!" a sweet voice calls.
I stop walking and turn around to find Yaomomo running after me.
"Hey" I say, blushing at her gorgeous figure.
She falls into step with me as we make our way to my dorm.
"I can't believe Ojiro likes Ross" she laughed.
"Right? I think Mina was right with Phoebe."
"Hah! Phoebes my favourite too!"
We stop at my door and I reach into my pocket for my keys.
I pull open the door and lead her inside.
She looks around at everything, and I start to wish I cleared up before.
It's not as bad as it usually is, but there's some chip packets on the ground and a bit of dirty laundry. There's also a bunch of sheet music scattered around the place.
"I forgot how cool your room was Jirou."
I blush a little, kicking a bra under my bed. "It's alright."
I sit down on my bed and beckon for her to join me.
"I think I may have upset Shouto" she says in a voice indicating she's clearly upset at herself as well.
"I didn't tell him anything about last night."
I nod. "Kami seems ticked too. I don't know what to tell him, you know?"
"Yeah." We sit there for awhile before she takes interest in one some sheet music by my drum set. "What's this?" she asks, picking the paper up.
I look at what she's found. It was a bass tab for Lady Madonna.
"Do you like The Beatles?" she inquired.
"Greatest band ever."
"Oh! I love them as well!"
God she's so adorable.
"What's your favourite song?" she leans.
"Probably For No One, it hits different" I respond.
"Your kidding?! That's mine!" she beams.
"No way!"

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