Chapter no. XV

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Jirou POV

"What's up with Yaomomo today?" Kami whispers.
"Huh?" I hadn't even noticed she had gotten to class. I glance behind me, trying not to be too obvious.
She was sitting at her desk, hunched over writing things down in her notebook even though class hadn't started yet.
I assume it's because she's a nerd. A cute nerd, mind you.
I turn back to Kami. "Uh, nothing I can see?"
He squints. "Do you seriously not see this? She's upset Kyo! Something's happened!"
I look back at Yaomomo. "What exactly are you referring to?"
Sero, Kiri and Bakugou also take a peek.
"I don't see anything" Sero shrugs.
"Me neither" Kiri says.
Kami face palms. "Notice the way her left leg is crossed, even though she is right handed. That's a clear sign she is uncomfortable, most likely caused by an social issue, ergo her avoiding interacting with the rest of the class. Aizawa isn't even here yet and she is hiding in her schoolwork to make herself seem occupied so she doesn't draw any unwanted attention to herself" he states simply like it was the most obvious thing.
"I think you need to stop reading Mina's Cosmos" Sero says, patting his back.
Kami scowls at us. "Okay first off Sero, I will read whatever I damn well please, thank you very much. And second, y'all didn't let me finish my explanation."
I roll my eyes. "Go on then."
"Look at Todoroki" he instructs.
We all do what he says with a sigh.
"I've always liked those sneakers, maybe Yaoyorozu does as well, and really is in love with Todoroki" Kiri suggests, coming to the same conclusion as I that nothing was off about him either.
Kami shakes his head wildly. "No she is most definitely not in love with him!"
Kami glances at me and I cringe.
"He is making sure not to make eye contact with Yaomomo. They always talk together before sensei starts teaching, but neither of them have even greeted each other, an unusual thing for best friends to do don't you think? None of you guys understand my superior knowledge."
"Maybe because it's stupid?" we laugh.
"Shut up, Sparky is making sense, you people are just too moronic to get it" Bakugou interjects.
We stare at him in shock.
"What? Ponytail and Icy-Hot always talk about last nights homework like the losers they are. Look, he's sitting down now without a word. See the way Ponytail shifted in her seat when he sat next to her? The bozos must've had some stupid fight and are feeling all awkward and weird about it because they're too pussy to just forget" he explains.
Our eyes widen and as we gape at each other.
"I didn't realize you were so observant" I laugh.
"Well I am, Ears, but don't you guys get used to me contributing helpful things to our chats" he says.
"I'm glad somebody can appreciate my spot on observations!" Kami says.
"Don't flatter yourself Pikachu, you're still an idiot" Bakugou growls, returning to ignoring us.
"An idiot that reads wamans magazines without shame" Kami adds.
"My God, how many people have been stealing Mina's magazines?" Sero laughs.
Aizawa stumbles into class and promptly face plants on top of his desk.
"How are you today sensei?" Midoriya greets.
"I'm here and I'm alive... sadly" Aizawa grunts.
"What's put you in this extra chipper mood?" I call to him from the second row.
He makes an audible noise in response.
"I see."
Everybody sits there, waiting for our teacher to give some instructions. About thirty seconds of nothingness pass and I start to make some inconspicuous cricket chirps out the corner of my mouth.
Bakugou grins at the very anonymous sounds and follows my lead with some less talented harps.
Iida glares at us over his glasses and we fall quiet.
I shoot Bakugou a disapproving look for blowing my cover with his off key chirping.
The class continues to wait patiently for sensei to speak like the good children we are.
I get bored again at our politeness and choose to annoy him instead of fast forwarding to schoolwork. I being humming the Jeopardy theme under my breath.
Bakugou, Kami, Sero and Kiri pick it up right off the bat and I increase the volume, all of us making sure to keep a straight face so we don't get shushed by Iida.
I fight back a smile when Yaomomo starts humming too.
When Shouji, Hagakure and Tokoyami join in, over half the room had basically had turned into a small game show choir.
Even Todoroki started adding in a few harmonies with Ashido and I.
"Excuse me sensei, but it is almost eight ten. What should we be working on?" Iida talks over the quite loud humming.
"Damn Sonic, we had a groove" I hear Ashido hiss.
Aizawa pulls his head up from the desk incredibly slowly as if it was a painful thing to look at his student. "I would come around and make sure all of you have done your homework, but I already know who has and who hasn't so there isn't much point. I also don't want to move" he says bitterly.
Iida freezes, mid boi chop, trying to understand the absence of logic.
"You don't know who's done their work or not. You can't just assume, that's illegal" I object.
"I know you haven't done all your homework Jirou" sensei responds lazily.
I let out a string of offended "pfffshs."
"But shouldn't you check, just to be sure?" Uraraka says after raising her hand.
Sensei actually stand up. "You think I need to check?" he says with a laugh.
"Uhm, no... I mean, yes" Uraraka stutters, regretting her comment.
"First, we have the people who should make up one hundred percent of the class and not just some: Uraraka, Asui, Midoriya, Ojiro, Tokoyami, Kouda, Satou, Hagakure and Todoroki have finished all their homework. You are all my favourites" Aizawa says, pointing to everyone individually after their name. "Next we have Kirishima, Shouji and Yaoyorozu, the tutors. You guys have all attempted to help your peers because you're nice" he goes on. "And by peers I mean Bakugou, Sero, Kaminari, Ashido and Jirou. You're the ones who were taught by the tutors and you've  finished about half the work, with much intense encouragement from the tutors."
We look around in shock at his pure accuracy, like when Bakugou was talking about Yaomomo and Todoroki.
"M*neta, you've done your homework so you can have free time to do... other things, very unrelated to school" he says with a shiver.
M*neta nods his head proudly. "Got that right."
Sensei shakes the disturbed look off his face. "Iida and Midoriya are nerds and have completed extra work, and Aoyama will be coming to me after class with a lame ass excuse as to why he hasn't done it all" he finishes. "Am I wrong?"
We all shake our heads: he had been right about each and every single on of us.
I raise my hand. "You're only wrong about one thing" I say, unintentionally doing a John McClane voice.
He arched an eyebrow at me, though a paper clip was stuck to his face and it was difficult to take him seriously. "I was right about you, I know that for a fact."
I ignore him. "You're wrong because I'm your favourite" I declare.
"Whatever you say" he mumbles and lays back down on his desk, apparently done.
"Hah! You haven't disagreed with me! That means I am your favourite!" I cheer.
He grunts into his papers.
"Still not an argument!"

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