Chapter 6

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~~ chapter 6  ~~

"Hey what are you doing here?" It was Cole who saw us all coming towards them. Both the twin brothers, Catherine, and the two other lads were there. Good, now I was sure i could show everybody that an Aria-girl isn’t necessarily like this Ariana Grande chick, because eww I’m not a Grande, I’m a McRyan. And we McRyan’s do what we have to do. If that means spitting on the floor, we spit on the floor, and if it means dressing like a fucking princess we… won’t dress up like a fucking princess because we are McRyan’s, not babygirl Grande’s. We don't do girly things.

Calum couldn't stop lauging because it looked like he was so sure he was going to win this bet. He saw me looking at him and the blush returned on his cheeks, but still with a crooked smile. I was starting to like this groupe of boys. They weren't as bad as I thought.

"Hey guys, I see you've met?" Elijah said, looking at my friends, chatting with a boy with red dyed hair and a long blonde dude.

"Yeah Elijah, your friends are pretty cool!" the red haired boy said. He had a piercing above his right eye. "And who's this?"

"Hiya, I'm Aria"

"Michael" He winked.

"You don't seem like a rainbows-and-unicorns-girl, Aria" the blond dude said.

"No, and I bet i'll surprise you a lot these weeks with my ungirly-character" I winked at him.

"You're funny. hi, I'm Luke"

"Ah, the western rockstar" I said, looking behind me at Ashton, Calum and Elijah. They all smiled. It was nice how they started to accept my lame humour. Calum put his skateboard in the air, as sign he wanted to start.

"Yeah, you keep dreaming of winning this thing buddy, 'cause it won't become reality!" I said to him as he said, again, that I was going to be blown away.

"Um... should I be worried about this Aria because what the hell are you guys up to?" Dylan asked.

"Calum thinks he can do more tricks with his skateboard than Aria can with her skates." Ashton said followed by a silence.

“Is this a joke?”


“Then you’re screwed, dude.” Dylan confessed to Calum.

“That’s what I said too.” Elijah started laughing.

“Um can I say something?” Michael interupted with a confused face. “Calum is actually kinda-“

“Leave it Michael, they won’t believe me’ Calum said with a wide smile that showed his teeth.

“Let’s just stop the chatting, little girls, and do the real stuff ” Katherine said while she was already putting the settings of her camera in order to film this whole freaking thing. This was going to be-

‘-Epic” Luke said to us when Calum and I were finally ready preparing ourselves. Everybody was excited, and I was starting to worry if I would actually win. By the sight of how Calum handled his skateboard and brought his wheels in order with his specialized screwdriver, it was clear this wasn’t the first time he did a little skateboard compitition.

“Okay here are the rules” Dylan started.

“There are no rules-” Cole continued his sentence

“And that were the rules. Have fun kiddo, because this will be the last moment before you will go through life with the thought that you were beaten by a girl ” Dylan laughed defiantly.

“Okay watch me!” Calum said, again with his big smile. He put on his helmet on his black, slightly wavy hair and did 5 pushes on his skateboard, for a maximum speed.

I was pretty clear that that someone was screwed. And that someone was obviously me. He did tricks I had never seen before, like, really cool tricks. He did the wave-bow-tunnel and when he came out, he stood backwards on his boards. He did an amount of 360’s and 180’s that I could not even count. There was even one backflip and there were 5 grind-moves and I just stood there with my mouth wide open. Literally.

When he was done with his I-don’t-even-know-what-I-just-saw-part, it was my turn. I was so amazed by calum's tricks, that I could not concertrate at all. I was heading for the fourth time to the first tunnel after I did some grindwork and a few unstable 360's in the 3 meter ramp, and then it went totally wrong. I was at full speed and I took the turn left after the tunnel, and there he was, a stupid skateboarder coming right towards me. He wasn't paying any attention. My heart skipped a beat when I saw him and I wanted to scream but couldn't find my voice. So I tried to avoid him, but when he finally saw me, his board slipped away, off of the ground. I was completely out of balance, fell and got the board right in my stomach.

Nobody of 5sos, nor my friends could see me. I was lying there, couldn't breathe and couldn't move. All I could think was that someone had to come right now because I couldn't get any air. It felt like my ribs were trampled by an elephant. I started to see things not as clear as they were minutes ago, everything was vage and i couln't think clear. I was almost getting unconscious untill a saw black hair and a tattoo and then 2 strong arms lifted me up and carried me. The last thing I remember before I fainted was the feeling of my head bouncing against his chest.

Ok so, this is the end of the new chapter, obviously... I know that it's not much, but yeah... school hates me... but I'll write another part asap!
A big thank you to all de readers of my story (and the voters ofcourse), feel free to comment ideas, or just... comments on ma story... ya know.... okayyyy.... *awkward silence* I LOVE CALUM.

okay love you guys with whole my heart!
Amber xxx

oh yeah, the picture on the side of the story is just... I thought is was a bit accurate because, let's face it, Calum owns this part of the story and I just really love that part of that video because I'm always laughing too hard just... going down of laughter. 'cause I'm hotter than u. XD

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