• come back to me •

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Kageyama POV
It was dark. Really dark. It wasn't the kind of dark you see when you close your eyes or turn off the light. It was dark dark. Nothing dark.

I couldn't feel anything.

Not my body.
Not where I was.

I couldn't smell, or see, or anything

All I could hear, was a feint voice.

"Kageyama..." it said. "Come back to me..."

I open my eyes, not seeing a thing.

Three Days Earlier
"Tobio! Come downstairs and help me cook breakfast"

I looked at the time.


I groaned and tried to turn off my alarm, before realising there was no sound to be muted.

Natural instinct I guess.

"Tobio!" my mother called again.


I'd usually be up by 6:30, but the weather forecast said it was going to rain heavily.

It did, I heard it. It was loud.
Too loud to be just rain. Hail maybe?

Either way it was annoying.

I paced myself and stretched my legs, walking downstairs. She was standing by the stove, trying to read the back of a pancake mix.

"Tobio..." she said, squinting her eyes. "Can you read this for me?"

I took the mix out of her hands.
"Don't worry about it, I'll make breakfast"

I sighed as she went upstairs, already shouting to wake up my older sister.

I looked back down to read the mix. The writing was smaller than I thought it'd be...

I squinted at it too, before going to get some water, placing the mix on top of the frying pan.

As soon as I looked away, I remember a thick, sickening scent crowding the room.

I remember my taste buds being taken over my a dense, almost suffocating sensation.

The last thing I expected when I turned around, was a fire, replacing the once clear bench top.

"Shit!" I whispered to myself, wetting a cloth to put atop the flames.

I hadn't realised my mother had already put the face; maybe that was my fault...

I felt like an idiot at the time, not wetting the cloth enough and just freaking out as I watched the fire burn through. I panicked, and glanced around the kitchen, frantically.

When I turned back, all I could see was angry flames in my eyes...

Back to the present
I opened my eyes not seeing a thing.

I could hear muffled voices, they weren't like the feint one I heard before. That one was familiar, soft... comforting. The voices I hear now are anything but.

"Come quick! He's awake!"
"Ma'am calm down, we're coming"
"Tobio? Tobio can you hear me?"
"Miss, I'm going to ask you to move back please... Mr. Tobio, can you hear me?"

BLIND KAGEYAMA AU - Listen to my VoiceWhere stories live. Discover now