• just listen to my voice •

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Hinata POV
I sat there, scratching my hands and muttering to myself, waiting for an update.

I looked at the time. 1:24am. I doubt I can call anyone else to come at this hour.

Instead I look at his family, who were sitting on the other side of the room, and wonder if anyone would have stuck around for me this long.

A nurse comes in, and we all get up eagerly.
She takes a deep breath.

"Right now" she says, "Only immediate family is allowed in"

My heart sinks.

Immediate family? Isn't that what they do when someone is... dying?

"His condition isn't stable" she continues, "We don't know for sure what the outcome will be, but just in case you'll be allowed to see him now"

They leave, and I'm stood there motionless.

'He'll be fine' I think, 'He's gonna be just fine'

But an unintended wave of flashbacks sink into my mind. When I first got a call from Miss Kageyama. Seeing him in that coma from which he almost looked lifeless.



Kageyama POV

beep, beep, beep, beep

"He's awake!" I hear someone say, through muffled, happy sobs.

I open my eyes, still unable to see.

It's not the 'nothing dark' I saw when I first woke up.

It's a dark that can be easily escaped from. A beautiful dark.

The muffled voices in my head and by my side turn clear.

"Welcome back, sweetie"
It's the American lady.

I try to speak, to get up, to move at least an inch.

Nothings working. I can't move.

"Don't try to get up" she says, "Or talk... just listen"

I've been out for so long.
Too long.

I get showered with tears and joy, by voices that sound like my family's.

My parents hold my hands as the doctors explain what's happening.

"There's now a gauze around your eyes" she concludes, "You won't be able to see right away, your eyes will need a lot of time to get used to natural light. Congratulations Tobio, you're no longer blind"


"Hi...ta" I manage to squeeze out. It's been so long since I've talked i'm surprised I didn't forget how to. "Where...Hi....ta?"

"Hinata's outside" my mum says with a chuckle. "I'll go bring him for you"

She kisses my forehead and everyone leaves the room.


Hinata POV
Miss Kageyama walked in. She was crying, but they were happy tears.

She kneels down next to me.

"You can see him now"

I spring up from my seat.

He's awake
He's alive.

I bow to her, and follow the nurse to the room.

He was still laying down sure, but he wasn't dead. I walk up to him, and sit on the chair next to his bed.

He must have heard the leather squeak as I sat down, because he turned his head slightly towards me.

His eyes were covered in a white cloth, and his arms and body filled with wires and tubes.

"Hinata...." he said softly.

His voice.
He said my name.
He's here.

"I'm here" I tell him.

He tried to sit up, but I gently push him back down. Instead, I adjust his bed to face up.

"Looks like I don't need you to baby me anymore" he says slowly, through silent giggles.

"Stupid" I tell him, "I'm always going to have to baby you if you keep doing these stupid things. You kept me waiting so long, I thought you might never come back"

"Yeah, sorry about that" he starts. "I want to see you"

I'm a bit surprised actually. After all this time, there's so much he missed out on.

Seeing the volleyball and the net that he loves so dearly.
Seeing Tokyo's city covered in ice.
Seeing his family and friends who he had panic attacks thinking about.

But now, he wants to see me?

"I want to see your orange hair" he says, "and your stupid face, and your.... and your"

I giggle a little.
I forgot he was high on anaesthetics.
On top of his exhaustion it's no wonder he's saying crazy things.

"... and your smile"

M...my smile?

I look over to him. Even with gauze wrapping his face, I can see the realness in his eyes. The beauty in his eyes.

I come closer to him.

"You don't need to see me" I start. "Not yet. Just listen to my voice, and you'll be just fine"

BLIND KAGEYAMA AU - Listen to my VoiceWhere stories live. Discover now