• guilt •

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Oikawa POV
I was hitting the ball to and from the wall, when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I couldn't believe who I saw when I turned around.

"Chibi?!" I said, "What are you doing here?!"

Karasuno was in the opposite direction to here, so what was their number 10 doing here?

He had an embarrassed but firm look on his face.

By now the whole gym was looking at him, probably equally as confused as I was.

"C...Can you set for me?" he said.

I blinked out of shock.

"S...Set for you?" I mimicked. "How did you even get in here?"

"I can't take another one of Sugas sets" he says, completely ignoring my question about him trespassing. "Come on, just one"

My head was spinning with confusion at this point. From what I remember, their number two isn't a bad setter, he just isn't as naturally talented as Tobio.

I sigh. "Fine" I tell him. "I'll throw a couple to you but afterwards, you have to tell me what the hell is going on"

He threw the ball to me and I set it up, just like I would do for Iwa or Kindaichi or anyone else.

He hits it really well, I'm surprised how much he's improved since the last time I saw him.

As he descends, however, he looks at his hand sadly.

"What's wrong Chibi?" I say. "What, you don't like my sets?"

"No, it's not that" he says. "Can you send me up another?"

The next hit goes the same way.
And the next.
And the next.

"Ughh!" I mutter "I can't take this!"

I take him by the hand and into the locker room.

"Hey what are you doing!" He complains, trying to get loose of my grip

I sit him down on one of the many seats that we have.

"Look" I start "I've done what you asked, now you gotta tell me what's going on"

"Nothings going on"

"Oh really? Last time I checked you didn't look like you wanted to throw up after hitting a ball. Even if the set was from me"

"What does your sets have to do with anything"

"Just tell me why you came here. Your number two isn't a bad player and you obviously came here trying to achieve something"

He took a deep breath, and sighed equally as dramatically.

"I thought getting a set from who was taught by him would make this feeling go away"

"Feeling? Taught by him? are you taking about Tobio?"

"Hitting Sugas sets makes me feel like I'm saying that I don't need Kageyama anymore. I thought since your sets were similar and that we go to different schools that it would be better but..."

he trails off. I sigh and sit next to him. That's definitely not what I thought he'd say.

"So you feel guilty."


"That makes an awful lot of sense. So you think by hitting other people's sets that your letting him go, in a way?"

He grits his teeth and turns away.
I smile at his childishness.

"That's strange" I start. "But also completely normal. Look, hitting other people's sets isn't letting him go. It's just... I guess showing him and yourself that you dont need King sets to be good"

He looks at me, almost awestruck. It's flattering sure, but it's also real.

"Thanks" he says getting up.

"Hey!" I call out to him. "Why don't you stay for the rest of practice? By the time you go back to Karasuno, it'll already be over"

He gives me a toothy grin and an enthusiastic nod.

Hinata POV
I ride back home, exhausted from the training with Aoba Johsai.

"No wonder they're so strong" I say to myself, barely having the strength to ride up the hill.

Either way, I'm glad I went there. It's gonna be a real pain in the ass to explain where I was at practice tomorrow.

When I come to my driveway, there's a boy at my front door.

"No!" Natsu says to him "Ni-chan says not to let strangers in"

"I'm not a stranger" he says, "I know your Ni-chan"

Once I get a little closer, I notice the silver hair.

"Suga!" I say. He turns around and his eyes widen when he sees me.

"Hinata!" he says. "There you are!"

We sit down inside and I pour us some tea.

"What are you doing here?" I ask

"Well you didn't come to practice, or answer your phone so I guess I was just worried about you"

"My phone? Shoot, I guess I left it in Aoba Johsai"

"Aoba Johsai? What were you doing there?"

I sigh.

"I wanted to get a set from Oikawa"

His face drops a little.

"So I was right"


"Do my sets make you feel guilty?"

My stomach tightens

"Was it really that obvious?"

"Look Hinata I get it but-"

"But I'm fine now" I interrupt

He looks up at me

"After all, I'm not letting him go, just showing that I don't need his sets to be good"

Wise words from a not so wise man.

Suga smiles at me, and gets up to leave.

"Well now that that's sorted" he says "I hope to see you at practice tomorrow"

I wave at him as he leaves.


Those are normal now.
And although those feelings may not go away for while, things feel like they're starting to go back to normal.

"Damn it, Kageyama" I say to myself, "Just wake up already"

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