• false goodbyes •

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Kageyama POV
The day after, I decided to tell the team I was leaving.

"Listen up everyone!" Hinata said in his loud, energetic voice. "Kageyama has something to tell us!"

The team gathered round. I figured it'd be easier to tell if I didn't see them, but as it turns out it was just the opposite.

"You see the thing is..." I started. "Look, to put it simply I'm moving to Australia"

The gym fell dead silent.
I gulped, scared.

Without warning, two people tackled me to the floor.

"Kageyama!" They wailed. Turns out it was Noya and Tanaka. No surprise there.

"Get off, you two!" Daichi yelled, pulling them off me.

"It's fine, really" I say, knowing I'll miss their over enthusiasm.

"This is all so sudden" Suga says, in his motherly concerned voice.

"So the king is leaving his subjects behind huh?" Tsukishima snickered.

"Why do you have to leave?" Yamaguchi said.

"Some new treatment" I respond. "Depending on how long it takes I could be there for the rest of my life"

Goodbyes were said briefly, and before I knew it, I had to go.

I went with Hinata to return Taiyo to Oikawa and said goodbye to him and Iwazumi who was already with him.

"I'm really gonna miss you lil buddy" I said to Taiyo as he whimpered at the sight of me leaving.

I wonder if any animal will ever even remotely like me again.

Sure they have kangaroos in Australia, but from what I've heard they're not too friendly.

Before I left, I had to go to the hospital for some final check ups.

They did a final X-ray and I was good to go.

"So you decided to go after all" the American nurse says to me.
"So I did" I say, not making eye contact.
"I know it was a tough decision, but take it from me, it was the best"

Was it though?

I say goodbye to her when I leave, and thank her for everything that she did.

I really start to think about it when I get home, and for the next couple of days leading up to the flight.

By the time the day before the flight arrived, I convinced myself that this was what's best for me.

Today, instead of Hinata picking me up, I wake up super early and find my way to his house.

Given that I'm leaving tomorrow, I wanted to surprise him.

"Kageyama!" he says surprised when he opens the door. "What are you doing here?" he giggles.

"Well," I say a little flustered. "You know... I'm leaving tomorrow, so I thought I'd surprise you"

He gently punched me in the shoulder.

"Try not to think about leaving" he says, in a genuinely enthusiastic tone, "Let's go"

I received a lot of goodbyes from the volleyball club today. Even some members from other schools dropped by.

When it came to the end of the day however and I was just about to go inside, Hinata tugged on my shirt.

"What are you..." I asked, my words trailed off.

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