• new eyes •

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Kageyama POV
Hinatas come to visit almost everyday now. Daichi and Suga came to visit once, but other than that it's just been calls or texts.

That's to be expected though. Who wants to see the blind kid, not when he can't even see you.

"Mr. Tobio!" A familiar voice says, as the door clicks open, and the bells on the door cling together, indicating that someone's walked in. It's the American nurse.

"I have some good news for you!"

"What's going on?"

"You're being released tomorrow"

I almost fall off my bed. Tomorrow? That soon? It's only been about five days, or so I'm told.

"Miss, Ive only gotten up a couple of times, sure I can walk now but I can't see!"

"Plenty of people can't see kid, it's my job to show you how to see"

Show me how to see? What's that suppose to mean?

She puts something around my wrist and into my hand. It feels like a large stick.

"Stand up" she says. "Now this is a cane, I'm sure you've heard of it. When you're walking, this is your eyes. Move it left and right, in the opposite direction to which you're stepping. like this."

She nudges my food forward and moves the cane in the opposite direction of my footing.

"Just like that" she says, and let's go on the cane.

Oh no. Where am I? What did she say? I haven't stood up by myself since I got there.

"Calm down, Im right here"

I take a deep breath and move forward in the same way she told me to. It was surprisingly comfortable, and somehow not too hard.

On about the fourth step, I hit a wall.

"This rooms small, but where you'll walk they'll be plenty of obstacles. Use the cane to trace around it until you reach its end."

I do so, sliding the cane to my right. I feel the doors slight bump.

"Good" she says. "Now just keep practicing"

We do, she takes me down the hall and around the hospital, and tells me what I would of been seeing.

We end up outside, sitting on a bench. It's around 10:24am now.

"I heard you play volleyball" she starts.

I flinch. That's all I've been trying not to think about now. I feel a lump in my throat, but resist tears.

"Yeah." I say, "Hinatas on my team"

"Really? That kid? He's so short though" She laughs a little.

"Miss, do you ever think I can play again?"

There's a short pause, and a heavy silence.

She continues, "It's going to take a lot of work, and you might not be able to play like you used to but...."

she trails offs

"but what?"

"I'm sure you'll find a way!"

Are all nurses this enthusiastic? It doesn't matter. If she says there's hope, I believe her. After all doctors are suppose to be smart right?

"Kageyama?" says a voice as footsteps approach us.

"Is that you, Hinata?"

"Sure is! Wow, what's that cool looking stick you got there."

He lifts up the cane, not knowing that it's tied around my wrist. I take it off and give it to him.

BLIND KAGEYAMA AU - Listen to my VoiceWhere stories live. Discover now