• I quit •

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Kageyama POV
It was slightly warmer when we got there.

I guess the unbearable coldness only lasts in the morning.

I'm sure if I could see, the city would be beautiful.

I tug on Hinatas shirt. "Hey" I whisper. "What does it look like?"

"Hmm" he says, like he's thinking. "You remember the view from here right?"

I nod.

From the hill we got off at last time, you could see the whole city so clearly. I assume it's darker now, but I can still remember vividly.

"Imagine that" he says. "But all lit up, in like millions of different colours. It seems like it was snowing this morning, there's ice crystals on the buildings."

I think about it for a little while.

I'm not the sentimental type, but even the thought of it is breathtaking.

"Cold morning, ay?"

Footsteps that sound like it's from a group of people walk towards us.

I assume it's Nekoma.

"Ah, Kuro!" Daichi says. "I told you, you didn't need to come. It's so cold"

Hinata leaves my side. I assume to talk to their setter.

I wait patiently until we decide to leave.

I never bothered to make Tokyo friends.
To be honest I didn't know how.

I assume everyone's conversations are about me. I wonder if the news even got through to Tokyo.

When it was finally time to go, Hinata helped lead me.

I told him that I was fine, and that he should go talk to his other friends but he insisted.

Practice started right away. I was standing with the managers, and they were awkwardly talking to me to avoid silence.

It's not everyday that I have to have a conversation by myself.

I tried to avoid playing with balls as to not embarrass myself, but ended up lowly dribbling one anyway.

'one touch!'
'chance ball!'
'nice receive'
'sorry, that could've been a little higher'
'nice kill!'

I sigh to myself, and wonder if I'll ever be able to use those terms again properly.

Probably not...

Hinata POV
Kageyama's been looking down this whole time.

Of course, who can blame him? If I was stuck on the sidelines while everyone else played, I'd be pretty pissed to.

He just got a ball and dribbled it while we played.

He could've at least practiced a little.

"Hinata!" someone calls.

I got lost in my thoughts.
The ball comes to me.

I get my arms into a receiving position just in time, but as I thought, I end up receiving it with my face. It goes up all the same.

"Nice revive!" Noya laughs as he covers for me, passing it to Suga, who's become a regular ever since Kageyama stopped playing.

I took occasional glances at him. He was still fiddling with the ball.

"What's up with your number nine?" Lev asked me in between a practice game.

I looked at him a little shocked. Did he not know.

Kenma jumped up and hit him in the head.

"Shut up, Lev" he said. "Sorry Shou."

"Don't worry about it"

"Look, I understand that he can't play with all of us but he could at least do something for himself you know"

"I know what you mean. But last time he tried to play he broke my nose"

Kenma looks surprised. So does Lev.

"That's why your face is all messed up!" Lev says and laughs a little.

"Is it really that obvious?" I say, touching my now painless face. "It was awhile ago but the marks are still there"

Kenma looks over to him, sympathetically.
At this moment, Kageyama kind of reminds me of Kenma when he's not playing.

Oblivious and lost.

We continued for the rest of the day, until I went off to gym 3 to train with Bokuto and everyone else.

As I was leaving the gym was empty, and Kageyama was throwing the ball against the wall and trying to catch it.

He wasn't doing too well.

"Hey Kageyama..." I said softly, afraid of what happened last time.

He turns to me with a normal look on his face. I sigh in relief.

"You know, maybe you should stay in gym 3 with us... just in case... you know"

"Look Hinata, I know what your thinking but I'm fine really. Just leave me here I'm good"

"But you don't even have Taiyo-"

"Shut up I'm fine"

I give in and leave, telling him that I'll come check on him later.

Kageyama POV
Damn. Shorty treats me like a child now.

I can't blame him though.

I had to consider whether I should practice or not.

I gave into my intentions however, and decided to practice while the gym was empty.

I've given it some thought.

What's the point in even practicing?

It's not like i'll even play again.

Well, not like I used to at least.

Gym 3 is lively as usual.

I can hear them from here.

'How come your team has all the tall players!'
'Stop complaining! We have Lev on our team so it's fair'

What I wouldn't give to be in their shoes.

Time Skip - The next day
Hinata POV

I didn't end up checking on Kageyama yesterday.

I got so caught up in the game I had totally forgotten about it.

He seemed well when we went to sleep so I assume everything is fine.

The practice games for today are just about to end.

Tanaka scores the final point, with us winning 26-28.

After the bragging and the cheering everyone goes off to do individual practice as usual.

Kageyama does the same thing he did yesterday, he took the ball when he knew no one was in the gym and bounced it against the wall.

Compared to yesterday he wasn't doing bad.

"I'll actually come check on you today" I tell him before running off to gym three.

Half way through our game I said, "Can we stop for a sec, I'm going to go check on Kageyama"

Before they even gave me a chance to respond, I run off to the main gym.

"Hey Kageyama are you-"

When I waked in, I found him standing in the middle with well over 30 balls surrounding him.

Has he been training nonstop?

"Are you ok..?" I whisper.

He turns around to me slowly. His eyes were red, like he had been crying.

All he said was,

"I quit"

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