• secrets •

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Kageyama POV
I didn't get a chance to talk to Hinata after all.

The day was so hectic with training and packing that I never got a chance.

We didn't sit together on the way back either.

I figured that it would be too awkward to apologise in front of the whole team, especially with them not knowing what happened and all, so I decided to leave it until Monday.

He picked me up as usual and we walked in silence.

"Hinata..." I asked nervously. "About the other day-"

"Don't worry about it!" He says, putting an obviously fake happy voice on. "I was wrong too so just forget about it"

"Look I just want to apologise properly. I'm sorry"

He laughs at me a little.
I ignore it and continue.

"Look, I am going to keep playing volleyball, but I need to ask you something."

"Sure, anything"

"Why were your hands bleeding when you got back?"

He jumps a little and nervously giggles

"Well you see, after our argument I got pretty mad. I didn't even realise at the time but I started punching the floor outside. Pretty dumb huh? haha"

His nervous giggling continues.

"How long has that been going on for?"

"It was just in the moment, I promise"

"That's bullshit, Hinata. I noticed them when you first came to visit me like months ago"

He pauses.

"... about six months now"

I honestly get a little mad.

"And you didn't think to tell me?"

"I didn't think it was a big deal, but I'm fine now, aren't I?"

"You sure about that?"



I stop.

"Can you promise me something?"

"Promise you something? What are you like five?"

"Look, just tell me that you won't lie to me anymore. Honestly it's annoying"

It was more from annoying, but I wouldn't tell him that.
It genuinely saddened me.
He tugged on my shirt.

"Sure" he says. "Whatever I promise, now let's go we're gonna he late."

The the start of practice, Oikawa came in to give my Taiyo and said that I had him for another two weeks.

I genuinely missed Taiyo a lot, and wondered what he would do if he saw me almost fall off a cliff.

We got about half way through practice when I really needed to go to the bathroom.

I didn't bother telling anyone. They all seemed busy.

When I had finished and came out, I heard an argument going on in the change rooms.

I peered in to hear their voices. They were  Coach Ukai and Hinatas.

"Seriously!" Hinata said. "It's not what you think!"

Third Person
The team watched as Ukai pulled Hinata away from the practice game.

BLIND KAGEYAMA AU - Listen to my VoiceWhere stories live. Discover now