VIII. Act One: I Want You to Love Her by the Moon

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"Hey, What if Someone
Loved Me Back?"
a musing of the lover girl.

"I Want You to Love Her by the Moon"

setting: it's a sticky summer midnight, and we're climbing up the creaky wooden ladders into other's orchard minds. we're weaving cobweb nets in the rosewood boat, and sailing the lake of stars for a day and after, trying to catch raspberries and rabbit dreams and letting go of it as we eventually drown; my darling, remember that too much of anything, even of love, isn't good for you.

in the middle of the yellow sunflowers with the raspberry bear pollen, and the pink lion lilies with the mandarin pistils under the big blue-green banana leaves and the bees all under midnight, there lie sweet tangerines on a baby blue blanket; darling, there, once more, we met you and i.

i sat there, coughing frightful swans birthed from milk grapefruit flower love to swim in the pools of midnight, as you (with your fingers slightly touching mine) charmed the half-crazed moon with a rare rosen wine berry into what we were: a 2am conversation.

and i: tell me, how much more do i ought to lose in order to have this?

the moon: (she had a faraway gaze past the grapefruit swans swimming in pools of midnight) my flaming cherry lover: the sun, who sets in my coconut milk tears from when we lost each other under the midnight sky. what i've known him as, what we were and could have been- have aged and have gone, along with all the cranberry i love you's and the liquor and stars in between. those, i lost, among other things.

you ask me what you ought to lose; darling, it doesn't really matter as long as it's enough to hurt you.

and i: then, what else am i to give?

the moon: (the moon chuckles) what else? (the moon gestured to her- who was playing with the orange tiger from the star aster jungle. her smile was pearls strung into something that made my heart want to soak itself in the flaming cherry sun)

and i: you want me... to lose her?

the moon: (the moon shook her head) no. i want you to love her. i want you to lose yourself in the cosmic warmth of her cold palms and her loud declarations of "i love you" that rang throughout the stars. i want you to lose yourself to her silly nyctophillia poppy phases and how beautiful she looks under the moonlight. love her, i dare you, like tommorow she will be nothing but a lovely memory. 

and she: darling? (she frowned. i was too lost in my cosmos all contained in her glassy eyes. she stopped playing with the orange tiger from the star aster jungle. standing in the middle of the yellow sunflowers with the raspberry bear pollen, and the pink lion lilies with the mandarin pistils under the big blue-green banana leaves and the bees all under midnight, she asked) what's wrong?

(i shook my head and smiled)

and i: (softly) no, love. nothing is.

and the yellow sunflowers with the raspberry bear pollen, with the pink lion lilies with the mandarin pistils, and the big blue-green banana leaves and the bees all under midnight, all held their breath with me, as i watched her smile again.


"Did you say something?" she asked.

it's a sticky summer midnight, and we're floating on the lake of stars, facing the open sky.

i smiled. "I'm pretty sure i said i love you too."

"Hey, What if Someone
Loved Me Back?"
a musing of the lover girl

"I Want You to Love Her
by the Moon"

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