Sport's festival

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The hero classes had already walked out into the arena before Izuku's class. Hero classes always went first, that's one of the most important lessons of had learnt at UA so far. Just seeing them standing there, the crowds cheering for them, but barely looking at the other classes made his hatred of heroes burn inside him.

His class walked our and took their positions, off to the side, making sure the heroes were centre stage. Todoroki and Kirishima stood among them.

Kirishima only glanced at Izuku but Todoroki gave him a quick smile and a thumbs up. Izuku mirrored his actions and turned to Midnight and winced.

How was her costume even allowed?

Bakugou was called up to give a speech and the classes all booed him, Izuku yelling louder than all if them. He was still trying to persuade Tomura to kidnap him. Izuku wanted to hear him scream in pain.

Midnight started to explain the obstacle race and the students moved to the starting line. Izuku shoved through until he reached Todoroki, who nodded down at him.

"The gate is the first obstacle." Hw whispered to him. "Use your ice to freeze everyone in place them we can jump over." Todoroki nodded, showing he understood, and both prepared to jump.

Midnight signaled the start of the race and Todoroki launched a wave of ice at everyone. The two villains kept on top of the other students and climbed over them, reaching the other side in first place, though they could hear other students running just behind them.

They stopped in place as two robots glared down at them. "Stay right behind me!" Todoroki yelled as ice covered the robots.

The two boys sprinted through, and the robots collapsed behind them.

Izuku smiled at Todoroki. "That was too close! Give me more warning next time!"

The rest of the obstacle course was the same. The two villains helping each other through, shouting instructions to each other, and staying together in first place.

"Whay fo you think they'll do if we both get first place?" Izuku yelled, leaping over a large ravine, ignoring the rope entirely.

"I don't know." Todoroki responded, sliding over the rope. "It depends on what the next round is."

Izuku reached the end of the ravine and ran on towards the next obstacle. "It'll probably be a team thing. They always have one. After all, heroes need to work together."

Todotoki nodded. "Looks like a minefield. Any ideas?"

Izuku smiled widely, holding up a metal panel he had grabbed. "One."


"Why did you think that was s good idea?" Todoroki asked, brushing dust off of his clothes.

Izuku smiled widely. "It worked. We got first place."

Todoroki sighed. "You got first place."

Izuku shrugged. "You should have run faster. Or frozen me in place."

"We were working together."

"I did say 'race you.'"

The final students finished the race and Midnight took her position to explain the next round. As Izuku had guessed, it was a team game. Todoroki and Izuku temed up imediatly and quickly agreed that Izuku would be the rider. All they needed now was more team members.

"Hi!" A pink haired girl popped up in front of them and started rambling on about her babies. Izuku looked at all the gear she had on.

"Are those anti-grav boots?"

She nodded excitedly and started explaining them. Izuku thought for a second then looked up at Todoroki with a big smile.

"I think I know who we need on our team." His smile grew wider. "Uraraka and Iida. Uraraka can float us, Iida can help us move around mid-air and you can launch attacks at the round. Iida can also help with dodging on the ground."

Todoroki nodded and they went off to find the two students, leaving the pink haired girl behind. First, Izuku asked Uraraka. She agreed instantly, however, Iida took some persuading.

"I'm sorry, Midoriya, but teaming up with you just because you're my friend would be a bad move." Iida said, turning away.

Todoroki grabbed his shoulder and spun Iida around. "If it's because he's quirkless, I can assure you that it isn't a problem."

Iida shook his head. "N-no. That isn't the problem at all. I just think that, uh, I should be branching out and teaming up with new people."

Izuku tilted his head. "But this is about teamwork. Generally, it's best to go with people who you know and get on with, People you can work well with. Teaming up with people you don't know would be a disadvantage."

Iida thought for a second. "Well, I need to be on a team that I'm sure can win, and having a quirkless teammate is a bigger disadvantage than working with new people."

"I can assure you, that his quirklessness will make no difference." Todoroki stated. "I have fought Midoriya before, and I am yet to win, even when using my quirk. He is probably the strongest out of all of us."

Iida paused, trying to comprehend what Todoroki had just told him. "Then why isn't he in the hero course? I saw him at the entrance exam."

Izuku looked at the floor. "I held back at the entrance exam. I was scared that my dad would get mad at me if I made it in, so I wasn't as focused as I should have been. My dad says that hero work is too dangerous for me."

After a minute, Iida reluctantly agreed to team up with them. Izuku was in charge of sorting out their formation, putting Iida at the back, Todoroki on the right and Uraraka next to him. He climbed on top and put the headband on.

Iida still looked a bit worried about being on Izuku's team, but Urarka and Todoroki were both quietly reassuring him, Uraraka more successfully.

Bakugou's team was across the arena, and he was glaring at Izuku, the rest of his team looking nervously up at him, including Kirishima, who glanced at Izuku with an emotionless face.

Izuku felt Todoroki stiffen and glanced down at him. His eyes were fixed on Kirishima. He hadn't quite gotten used to Kirishima's cold personality and seemed slightly confused and concerned whenever he saw it.

Izuku didn't blame him, it was strange how fast Kirishima went from kind and helpful to stone cold and emotionless.

Mic announced the start of the match, and all of the teams lurched forward.

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