Air tight curse

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I've been so stressed out lately, I probably need to get some rest. Probably, make that defiantly, I've been searching for ways to break this curse for a month now, i found usual. Elizabeth could remember 3 days prior to giving birth and then end up dying while having them. I can't let that happen, even though its already happened like 106 times.

I start walking up the stairs. "Hey Cap'n!" Until Ban diverted my attention. "Yes?" My voice held an undertone of irritation. "Com down her an hav un ale". Jesus fucking Christ, he got into the fucking ale again. " I can't right now, soz, I'm gonna go check on Elizabeth." I should have known he would get like this, he said he would only have one, I seriously need to do something about this. "Ban, you've got a shift tomorrow and as your captain I order you to get some fucking lazy, alcoholic bastard!" I was only joking, that's what we do, we piss each other off for fun. "Mm'kAy". His pitch all over the fucking place, that's new.

Well, where was I?
Oh yeah, time to check on Elizabeth.
I continue to make my way up the stairs, towards our shared bedroom.
I finally reached the top step,  continuing forward, I finally got to the door. I inhaled deeply and turned the doorknob.

There she was, the love of my life, the mother to my unborn twins.
She was still asleep, the midday sunlight just peeking through the curtains, illuminating her form, she was 4 months pregnant, but she looked about 6. It didn't matter to me, because to me she was the most beautiful woman in the world.
I closed the door behind me and started towards the bed, tiptoeing as to not wake her. When I finally reached her I could feel their energy.
It was like a heartbeat, steady and soothing, one was stronger though. I smiled as I brushed a loose strand of hair out of Elizabeth's face.

I could feel their tiny souls moving around, they were safe.
But for how long?

Ooooh, a cliff hanger, not a coat hanger, a cliff hanger, get it right.
Next chapter will be...heart stopping...I hope?!🤔


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