Binding Darkness

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Everything around me began to fade away, like the time I thought I had was never really there. All I could feel was pain, my heart was racing and my mind was frantic. I had never been through something so physically and mentally exhausting, was I going to...die!? Would i never get to see the women my children will turn into?
I started to cry as reality hit me, light sobs and gasping were the only sounds I was making at that point. Meliodas stroked away a tear and looked at me with his onyx eyes. Despite their cold appearance, they were not.

Merlin interrupted our moment, but it was important, so I just brushed it aside.
"Ones crowning, okay Elizabeth, I need you to push as hard as you can, this will be over soon enough."
"I can't, I have nothing left."
Why was I so willing to except defeat?
Merlin looked at me, her once intimidating yellow glare was now a gentle, thoughtful and caring gaze.
She sighed, still looking up at me she said. "I know you can do it, even if you don't believe you can."
"Yeah, its okay, Merlin and I are here to -"
"Sorry I was late!"
Diane suddenly burst through the door with concern written all over her face, regardless, her beautiful purple eyes still gleaming with pure, strong determination. "Where were you?" Merlin signed with frustration.
"Sorry again, I was still dealing with Estarossa."
"Is he gone?!" Meliodas was still in his demon form, his grip on my hand tightened protectively.
"Yes, he just...vanished. We couldn't find him after that."
"He better not come back, or el -".
" M - Meliodas please stop, not n - now."
I stopped as another contraction hit.
Merlin looked at me with that look that said 'its time to'.

And so I pushed as hard as my body would allow, every muscle in my body clenching, then finally releasing, followed by the loud wails of a baby.
Merlin cut the umbilical cord then handed her to Diane for cleaning.
After that she wrapped her in a dark purple blanket and handed her to Meliodas.


Silence, not a single word passed through those lips, his eyes fading back to their original green.
Then I heard it, or I saw it. Meliodas was...crying!?

"She's so...beautiful." That's all I heard from him, his eyes never leaving the small bundle firmly cradled in his arms. A single tear fell onto the babies forehead, causing her to open her eyes, green, just like her fathers. Complimented with a small tuft of blonde hair.

Meliodas looked at me, not fully hearing my words. All that screaming had finally taken its toll.
"Melody. She looks just like you, no emotions what so ever."
I giggled despite the pain, Meliodas looked at me blankly, then started laughing. "She has your face."
"Yeah, she do - "
I was cut off by yet another contraction. Almost forgot I was having twins.

Damn, yet another in completed chapter, I'll just edit it tomorrow when I have time, but, till next time. Also comment if your Australian🐨🐨🐨


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