The police also examined their wounds and took the bullet with them. Eden was alright to speak, but she continued to act as if she couldn't. She didn't want to.

They were informed that the bullet in Millie's leg was in no way lethal, and her leg would be fine after a while's rest. They were able to breathe a sigh of relief at those words.

"Come on. You can't stay here. Only two people can. The rest of us have been ordered to go home." Emilia told Eden.

Eden looked up at her. "Did you inform Lili?"

"Yeah, but she's out of city. She'll be back tomorrow." She informed.

The others were roaming around aimlessly. Some were sitting on chairs, some were leaning against the walls.

"Who will be staying here?" Eden asked.

"Chase and I. The rest of you will go home."

Eden nodded slowly. "When?"

"Right now." Liam said, coming over.

Eden nodded again and got up. She quickly hugged Emilia, who said, "The police are still at the house. Don't be alarmed."

Eden followed everyone out of the hospital. Chase and Emilia remained behind. Jonah walked behind her and Dean with him. Liam led the way.

They took one car and Liam drove them home. Eden sat on the passenger side and kept her stare out of the window.

Once home, they saw the few police cars and two men standing outside. They went up to them and Officer James asked, "Are you ready to talk?"

Eden replied, "Yes." In a soft voice after an encouraging look from the others. As they all began to head inside, Eden's feet stuck to the ground right there. Jonah stood beside her.

"You can do this." He whispered.

"I know, I just need to gather my thoughts first."

Jonah smiled, and a few seconds later, she smiled back. She took her steps and entered the house, Jonah right behind her.

Jonah appeared calm, but there was a storm of his own inside his head. He didn't want the police to have searched the house. It could result in greater trouble.

He glanced over at Eden. Her light freckled face was lowered and her arms crossed across her chest. She was lost in thought, because her eyes were unmoving and she took quick steps.

He was strangely enjoying the sight of her face, bare, and it looked soft. Her lips were a light rouge shade. Normally, she would have lipstick on, but at that moment, she didn't.

It was rare that she'd let anyone glimpse beyond the makeup. But again, she didn't really get the chance to put it on.

Eden took a seat across the policeman, feeling foreign in her own room. "Did he come back?" She asked.

"No, we got here. Now, what do you remember about last night?"

She took a deep breath. "Millie had come to my room, to talk, and we were talking, and I opened the window. Only a few seconds later, we heard a noise from the window, and Millie stood up on her knees to see. Next thing we knew, she had been shot in the leg. She fell backwards and fainted, probably having hit her head on that corner, as the thud indicated." Eden was pointing at each place, trying to depict the scene.

Jonah and the others stood at the door, watching. "I jumped him immediately, and that gun, that should have been under the bed," she pointed, "it had been pushed under the bed. So then I don't remember clearly, but he pulled out a knife and tried to pull it back from right in front of my neck. I was holding the knife away as much as I could," Eden lifted up her hands, "and they bust down the door as he decided to make a run for it. He left through the window too."

Eden looked around anxiously. "Do you see what I'm getting at? He was waiting! He knew immediately when I opened the window. He knew. And he was prepared. And when he realised that more people were coming, he escaped. And he wasn't professional either! He left behind a gun for fuck's sake!"

"We get it. He was also wearing gloves apparently, for we examined the gun for fingerprints."

"And a mask. He also wore a black mask." Eden said quickly.

"Anything else you remember about his appearance?"

Eden paused. His eyes... but... it isn't possible... "No, sir." Eden said. It wasn't important.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure."

"What about the knife? What did it look like?"

Eden described the knife as well as she could.

The officers looked at each other. "Eden, I'm going to need you to be honest with me. Did you recognise him? Do you know who he is?"

"No. I don't know." She really didn't, not for sure.

"Is there a reason for you to be insistent that it was planned and somebody had been waiting outside?"

Eden looked back blankly. "Didn't I just tell you about why I thought-"

"And there is no other reason?"


"Are you anxious, or afraid?"

Eden didn't know why he was asking that. Nonetheless, she replied with a lie, "Not more than a normal person would be in a situation like this, if that's what you mean."

"Alright. That's it for now."

"You're leaving? Just like that?" Dean asked.

"Yes, young man, is there a problem?"

"What if we get killed during the night?" Dean asked. "What if he comes back?"

"Look, kids, we have little to suspect that that man was aware of his actions. And it is not very likely that he'll return-"

"Sir, I don't think anyone here will be able to sleep peacefully, unless we knew we were being protected." Liam made his attempt.

"Well, if it is troubling, then I'll have two men stay here in case of any trouble." He had realised they weren't going to back off.

"Thank you, sir." Liam was being charming. They could all see it.

"Yeah well, I'll take my leave now." He took swift steps to and down the staircase.

Eden knew they gave little mind to the things she had said. She wasn't angry, just exhausted. She told the boys she was going to bed.

"Alright, goodnight." Liam whispered and left.

Dean gave her a small hug and went his way.

Jonah watched her. "Are you going to be able to sleep alone?"

"No. But I'll lock the window and try to. Can you inform everyone to lock their windows?" She rubbed her sleepy eyes.

"Yeah, I will... I don't think you should sleep in here."

"Tough luck, I will feel worse if I was anywhere else." She turned to him completely. "You don't need to worry about me."

Jonah looked down, and then nodded, looking back up. He left her to herself.

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