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After the programme everyone left to their places. Laksh and manik was returning on Lakshs bike. Manik was driving and laksh was sitting behind. It was cold out side and their is a small drizzling. Laksh was continuously talking

Lak:Bhai u know, getout murthy again thrown me out of the class
Man:Laku what's new in it..Its a usual thing naa
Man:Haa bacchaa
Lak:It's all because of you and daddu, that get out murthy always targets mee
Man(confused) Ki ko why?
Lak:Murthy sir ki hissab sa you guys where well mannered, attentive, blaaa blaa aur mein totally opposite

(Both laughs on this. But suddenly Laksh felt uneasy. He was having slight pain on chest. He turns his face to otherside so that Manik couldnt see his face through the mirror. Laksh keep his hand on chest and take a few heavy breaths to control himself)

Man(worried seeing laksh silent) :Laku...u ok?
Lak(hiding his uneasiness) Haa bhai bikul..
Man:U sure
Lak:Pakka bhai.. Aap please jaldi chaliya.. I am damn hungry
(Lak then keep his head on maniks back and closes his eyes.They reach Malhotra mansion)
Man:Lets get fresh up.. By then bhai will also come and we can have dinner together.
Lak:(he was feeling oka now) Okaa cool(and he runs upstairs to.his room)

(Laksh runs to his room and closes the door. He was panting and is short of breath.. Leaning to the door he closes his eyes and tries to catch is breath, after a while being calmed he goes and drinks some water)
Lak:(to himself) It's oka Laksh.. Its because of cold weather.. Go and fresh up you will be fine
(He takes a deep breath and goes to fresh up)

(After some time he comes out of the room and sees kunj sitting on the hall reading a magazine.. He has freshed up and is waiting for Laksh and manik)
(kunj raises his head and sees laksh standing upstairs)
Kunj:Lakuuu comee baccha aur get manik also
(Laksh comes to maniks room and sees him writing something. Manik was engrossed in writing,Laksh smiles mischievously and move towards manik and shouts)

(Manik gets startled due to the shout and jumps from his seat. The ink bottle also falls down on floor.. Laksh laughs historically seeing maniks scared expressions)

(Laksh stops his laughing and looks and manik who was glaring at him as if he will eat him now.. He then notices the ink bottle on floor which has messed up the floor)

Lak:Oopss (hides his eyes with his hand)
Man:Lucky thuu
Lak(interpetts) Bhayiuu I know you have ocd problem.. Galthi sa hogyaa
Man:OCD! Lucky

(But laksh runs from their and manik runs behind him.. Laksh comes downstairs and hides behind kunj)

Kunj:Laku kya huvaa
Lak:(panting) Daddu
Man:Bhai don't listen to him.. Lucky come hereee.... kya bolo thumna
(and he tries to pull laksh...but he again hides behind kunj. Kunj was in between manik and laksh.)
Kunj:Yaar.. Bolo kya huva
Man:Bhai he messed up my room and he was telling that I have ocd problem
(Kunj laughs hearing this)
Kunj:Okaa baba relax I will ask him

(and turns while laksh grip on kunj hand loosens and he falls down holding his chest and breathing heavily.. He was wheezing and is struggling to get his breath.. Kunj and manik stands shocked seeing him... Kunj comes out of shock and quickly runs towards him and take his head on his lap.. While manik stands numb)

Kunj(rubbing laksh chest) Baccha.. Kuch nahi.. Kuch nahi.. Manik... Get his inhaler jaldii

(Laksh is asthmatic)

(but manik was standing numb.. Seeing laksh like this.)
(Manik comes out of shock and runs upstairs to get his inhaler)
Kunj:(hugs laksh close to his chest) :plz baccha relax.. Get a hold..inhaler abhi milegaa

(Laksh couldn't respond.. He was breathing heavily and is struggling. He was sweating.He holds kunjs hand tightly and tears where flowing out from his eyes)

In lakshs room manik was searching for the inhaler. But he couldn't find it. He searched in the drawer.. In laksh bag. But he couldn't find. Manik was in tears and his hands where shivering.. He then remembers something and run towards kunjs room and get the inhaler from the drawer and runs downstairs.

Here laksh was taking heavy breath.. Manik run towards him and sit besides him with shaking hands pumps the inhaler. Laksh takes it and takes a deep breath. Kunj and manik where crying badly. Laksh then hold maniks hand put his head on kunjs chest and tries to copy his breathing pattern

Manik:Lucky (and cares Laksh hand which he was holding)
Kunj:Lucky u will be okaa.. Relax.. Relax(more than to laksh kunj was saying it to himself that his laksh will be okaa.. And he cares Laksh head.. While manik cries miserably seeing his brothers in pain)
Suddenly Laksh head falls back but kunj held him on time.. And the next moment they felt like someone snatched their breath.. Because a thin layer blood flowed out of Laksh nose

(They both shaked him to get him to sense but laksh laid unresponsive before his brothers pleads)

Kunjs Room

Laksh was lying uncouncious

Abhi was checking him while kunj and manik was standing on either corner of the room

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Abhi was checking him while kunj and manik was standing on either corner of the room. Manik was crying and kunj was numb. Their gaze where fixed on Laksh. Abhi then inject Laksh while kunj and manik avert their gaze. Abhi after injecting him cares his hair and moves out while kunj and manik follows him.

Manik:Bhai(wiping his tears) Lucky tik hey na.. Aur bleeding kaise
(he couldnt complete because he was crying again.. Kunj was standing their...His gaze was fixed at Abhi)

Abhi(pats manik shoulder)
Mannu relax.. Plz..(he then looks at kunj)
It was an asthma attack as we know... And he was panicked because he didn't get inhaler on time. That's why his BP shoot up and that's why he bleed from nose.. I have given him injection he will feel wake up in morning

(Kunj and manik sighs in relief)


(Both kunj and manik looks at him)

Abhi:We have to make sure Laksh doesn't get into any kind of panicking situation.. It will worsen his health.. He can't handle stress or any panicking situation.. It will force him to remember the accident he went through

(kunj and manik close their eyes remembering the accident in which they lost their parents and almost losed their lucky)

Abhi:(sighs and hugs both of them) Don't worry.. We all are with him.. Nothing will happen.. I told all this so that we could be more carefull.. Just go and be with Laksh.. I will be here.
(He walks downstairs.. To let the brothers have some time)

Manik falls on his knees and starts crying his heartout..
Man:Bhai.. All happened because of mee.. I must havebeen carefull..Its all because of mee (cries miserably)
Kunj immediately sits beside him and hugs him.. He to was crying.. After sometime he breaks the hug and wiped maniks tears
Kunj:Mannu...nothing happened because of you.. Dont blame your self..we both know about his health condition.. We should be more careful.. We have to be strong for him.. Hey naa mannu

(Manik nods his head)

Kunj(Again wipes maniks tears) so now no more selfblaming.... Our lucky needs us..
(He then get up and pulls manik with him and enters the room)

Hope you guys are enjoying the story. It's my first ff so definitely it will have faults. Please ignore mistakes and let me know your views on this story.

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