Chapter 8

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(Next day morning kunj wake up and sees the most adorable seen.. Manik and laksh were sleeping.. Laksh one leg was above manik and his head was on maniks chest and manik is cuddling laksh protectively.. Kunj smiles at them and covers them with blanket and goes. He didn't woke them because it was Sunday. After some time kunj was sitting on hall doing some work on laptop. Manik also joins him)

Man:Gudmrng bhai

Kunj:Gudmrng mannu

(Manik come and sit besides kunj)

Kunj:(still working) Laksh kaha hey

Man:He is sleeping bhai

Kunj(raise his head) :It's already 9  mannu..

Man:Bhai.. Baccha hey na

Kunj:You know what mannu.. You spoiled him

Man(raises his eyebrow) :Me

(Just then Laksh also comes down rubbing his eyes and sits between kunik.. Being a sleepy head he places his head on maniks lap)

Man:Laku.. Wake up baccha.. It's already 9

Lak:Mm..5mint bhaiyu

Man:Noway..your daddhu was scolding me for spoiling you so now get up..

(but laksh didn't mind and sleeps again.. So manik slights held his ears)

Lak:Aah.. Bhaiyu chodo

Kunj:Mannu leave.. Baccha hey na

(Manik leave laksh ears and glares kunj.. While laksh keep his head on kunjs chest)

Lak:Daddhu..bhaiyu is a hitler

(kunj chuckles)

Man:Bhai.... You know what you spoils him and then blames me

Kunj:Baccha hey na mannu

(Laksh sits straight and glares kunik)


Lak:So.. You guys are saying I am spoiled.. Hey na

Kunj:Noo.. Baccha.. Not like that

Man:What noo bhai.. It's the truth

(Laksh glares manik and he glares him back)



Kunj:Oo God.. Don't begin in morning itself..

(Laksh again glares manik and lies on kunjs lap)

Man:When will you grow up laku🙄

Lak:Why should I.. I have both of you.. So I will be like this only

(kunik shakes their head hearing this) go and freshup

Lak(disinterestedly):Is it necessary


(Laksh made faces and left to his room)

(After breakfast three of them where sitting on hall.. Kunik where busy doing their work.. While laksh was sitting on floor..he was continuously looking at his daddhu and bhaiyu.. But they where busy with their laptops)

Lak(irritatedly) :Daddhu...bhaiyu


(Laksh glares them but they where too busy and laksh sit their with a pout)

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