Chapter 28

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Yas:I won't let them win.. Bye bye laksh..

And again stab him on stomach

Laksh looks at him with pain and tear filled eyes.

Yash:Bye.. Bye..

And pushes him down

Laksh falls from the top and falls right in front of kunik.

His body jerks and stops moving.

Yash from above looks at Kuniks face and smiles. His Pa drags him from their.

Kunik stands their terrified. Their baby is lying in front of them covered in blood. Knife stabbed on his stomach.


And run towards him and take his head on their lap.

Manik taking laksh close to his heart and pats his face. Laksh is not fully uncouncious. Tears were flowing from his eyes due to extreme pain. Blood is oozing out of his head and stomach.

Kunik were crying badly seeing their baccha like this.

Kun(crying badly):Kuch nahi..hoga..plz you don't close your eyes..

(It's really difficult for Laksh to keep his eyes open.)

Kunj tries to take laksh in his hand but cries out in pain.

Lak:Aah.. Maa..

Lak(in extreme pain):Y.. for breath)..

Man(crying badly) :Baccha plz.. Hospital.. Bhai..

(But Laksh hold kuniks hand and stops)

Lak(gasping) Pa..

(This was another shocker for kunik.)

Lak:A.. u..r..mujhe..bhi..

And clunches the knife on his stomach in pain. And started taking heavy breaths.

Kunik held Lakshs hand tightly.

Man:Baccha.. Don't do this.. Plz.. I beg you.. Plz..

Kun:Laku.. Baccha..

(And pats lakshs cheek. Laksh slowly closes his eyes not able to take the pain anymore)

Kunik breath stopped seeing this..

Kun:Noo.. Noo.. (pats laksh cheek) noo..

Man:Laksh.. Ankhe kholo.. Plz..

(But laksh laid in their lap unresponsive)

Sanskar, Gautham and Veer reached their with police. Nikhil informed them also. But it was to  late. The culprits have escaped and laksh😑

They run towards laksh and breaks down seeing their best friend in that condition.

Gau(composing himself) :Hospital.. Hospital jana hey..

(And run towards car and brought it)

Sanskar and veer laid laksh on back seat with his head on maniks lap and helped kunj to sit on front seat.

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