Chapter 27

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Night time

Laksh dropped Ragini on her house. They where taking while standing at the gate.



Lak:Kuch nhai..will see you tomorrow.

Rag:Hmm.. Bye..

(Ragini turns to go but turns and kisses lakshs forehead and runs inside. Laksh smiles at this and shakes his head and goes from their)

In an isolated road

Laksh is driving his bike and returning to his house. Suddenly a car came and stops in front of him. He applied the break with jerk

Lak(Angrily):What the..

(A set of goons comes out of the car. Laksh to got down from his bike. The move towards laksh and drags him towards the car.)

Lak(struggling) :What the leave me..

(He is trying to push them away. But couldn't. He somehow pushes them and runs from their.)

Goon1:Shit..catch him..

Laksh is running and goons to follow him. The road is isolated and no one was their to help him.

After some distance he hid behind a tree and is gasping for breath. He is rubbing his chest to catch his breath. He touches his pockets but didn't find his inhaler.

He is gasping and his breathing is getting heavier. He looked around and sees his inhaler lying on road. And goons are not their. He with stumbling steps goes their rubbing his chest and takes the inhaler and use it.

His hands where shivering and with trembling hands dails kunjs number. Kunj takes the call.

Kun:Lucky if your romance is over then come home baccha..


(He couldn't complete beacuse he sees a pair of foot in front of him. He looks up and sees goons encircled him.)

One of the goon slapped him tightly across his face.


Goons then drag laksh.

Kun(highly tensed):Laksh baccha kya ho raha hey..

He can hear Lakshs shout.

Lak:Leave me.. Chodo mujhe..

(One of the goon pressed a cloth on laksh face and he faints. And they left from their with laksh)


Kunj is shouting on phone. Manik to comes their


Man(tensed):Bhai.. Kya huva..

Kunj eyes where teary and his hands where trembling..

Kun:Laksh.. Usaa.. We need to go..

(He runs out. Manik to follows him the only thing he know is his baccha is in danger)

In chatterji Mansion

Yash receives a call and he smiles.

Yas(looking at his Pa):So the final game is on.. End game for malhotras..

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