Chapter 7

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Dani's PoV:

All the doors were blocked. We found the safest place in the labs and gathered at that point where we all sat down and talked through the information.

"So Anna, explain what you saw then." I heard Jess suggest curiously.

"I was walking past the school when I noticed no one was there. I looked at my watch," I saw her watch all cracked then returned my gaze to Anna. "but there was still ten minutes until the bell for registration rang. I walked up to the building when I smelled something terrible. It was coming from the roof so I climbed up. I felt a strong wind and saw an indescribable monster thing creating something from its bare hands... like magic! Once he was finished he noticed me and charged at me so I had to run. I ran inside and that's when I saw dani. We talked a little then saw the monster thing charging towards us, so we ran. And now we are here."

"So the monster has seen us all. It knows who's here." I said.

Anna looked at Jess and Jess nodded and started to explain how it knows of us.

"We ran into it while searching through the dark for someone."

We heard a banging at the door. Our heads jolted to face it.

"Everyone hide near the windows!" Jess commanded. And we did exactly that. Once we were hidden the barricade do all gave way and the door burst open. I peeked through a gap in the cupboard I was in and saw it. It really was indescribable! It searched through the room we were in then went to the next one. Jess came out quietly and whispered for us all to get our quietly. She opened true window and it squeaked making some of us wince. We climbed out of the window one by one and on to the metre wide stone window sill. Jess jumped down the three story jump, unaffected by pain. Me and Alisha jumped too but Anna and Jess caught us then put us down.

"Where was the thing you said was made by the monster?" Alisha asked.

Anna pointed to where it was. As we got closer, a stench started to infiltrate our noses. We covered then to try stop it, it helped but not a lot. We all climbed up to the roof and saw the thing in which was created.

It was a green octagonal crystal which was glowing with green fumes.

"Cover your noses and get to cover." Jess said. We got to cover and with a mighty blow of a lightning blade, she smashed the orb into a thousand pieces. It then fell onto the ground like a shining rain. Souls came flying our if the orb and transformed into people when they hit the ground.

Our nightmare had ended.

Hey guys thanks for reading this book, sorry it was short. If you want me to do a detailed version comment and I will. Please read my book that I'm writing which is called the beast inside. Please vote it and comment what you think. Also I'm writing another book which is in my nperspective really good and is to be published on the following date : 21st June 2016 I think. please follow me as well. follows are returned!

Btw my new book is going to be really long XD

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