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King's Landing | 300 a.c.


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SELENA TOOK A DEEP BREATH AND closed her eyes. She felt as a gentle breeze passed through, carrying the sounds of spring along with it. A grin spread over her lips as she opened her eyes and stared at the targets before her. She nocked the arrow and aimed at the target.

"It would be a shame if you missed," a voice said from behind Selena, startling her. She released the arrow and watched as it soared through the air and landed right in the center of the target. She looked over at Aegon with a smirk.

"You know I don't miss," she told him as she grabs another arrow, "I see you and Margaery have finally separated."

"I see you're finally not doused in wine," Aegon teased. Selena rolled her eyes at the comment as she aimed at the target she released and watched as the arrow hit next to the center again, slightly above her previous target.

She looks over at Aegon, "Do you find the relationship between your father and Jon weird?"

"What?" he asks her as a surprised chuckle escapes him, "Where'd that come from?"

"I don't know," Selena says placing her bow down, "I just saw him the other night and got to thinking."

Aegon shrugs as he glances at her, "I mean, I guess. Father seems so interested in him and I can't understand why. I simply assumed it was because he felt bad for everything that happened and he used Jon as some sort of way to make things up."

Selena nods her head, glad to know that it wasn't just her that noticed the weird relationship between Jon and Rhaegar.

"Do you think he favors him?" Selena asks and Aegon laughs.

"What's with all the questions?" Aegon asks, "I mean maybe so, but who cares. Jon isn't going to sit on the Iron Throne."

Selena opens her mouth to argue that there was a chance that Jon would sit on the Iron Throne, but she closes it quickly. She still didn't have any evidence of this and telling Aegon would play her hand before she had her cards aligned.

Selena shakes her head as she picks her bow up again, "As I said, I've just been thinking. It's nothing."

"If you insist," Aegon says, "Oh I think I should go get the guards."

Selena's head snaps in his direction and she notices the silver hair of Daenerys Targaryen as she walks towards them.

"I swear," Selena mutters "It's like she always knows where I am."

"Perhaps she enjoys your little rendezvous," Aegon teases, "Either that or she completely daft."

"I like the second option," Selena agrees. She gets an idea and grabs an arrow. Daenerys seemed to completely ignore the fact that Selena was having target practice because she was walking directly in front of the targets she was practicing on.

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