Chapter 1

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Trigger warning ~ Talk of abuse and depression

Hello guys! So i would just like to say i'm really excited about this fanfic. The idea and plot line is not like another fanfic it's very different, i put a lot of thought into it and have worked hard on writing it in a certain way. I would just like to say now (^corresponding with the trigger warning above^) that there is mention of abuse - not between any of the boys and a female character, i am NOT romanticizing abuse or depression in any way. There will never be any written abuse (as in me writing and explaining anyone being hit). But there will be mention of abuse between the main female character and her father. 

Usually my authors notes will be at the bottom but in this case it's at the top because i want to make sure no one misses the trigger warning. I will also add trigger warnings at the beginning of chapters if i write about panic attacks or something along those lines. Enjoy loves! :)

~ Krissy

Jenna's POV ~

Running, running, running.

That's all i ever seemed to be doing, running. The vile words of my father repeated over and over in my head only fueling my legs to move at a faster pace.

"Go ahead run. Run as fast and as far as your legs can carry you. Run, don't stop. Because eventually you will and all that running will mean nothing. Because you'll still be stuck with me. And there's nothing you can do to change that." My father always yells when he catches me running.

He knows i'll come back. Even though he doesn't treat me properly he knows i don't have a choice but to come home. I have no where else to go or anyone else to go to. Running was just a temporary escape. But in the long run it didn't really help my situation.

Not yet anyway.

When i would run off it only caused my dad to grow angrier with me. Which usually called for me being in for it worse than before i had left. But i couldn't help it i needed a break every now and then. So even if he hit me harder at once it was better than the tamer hitting regularly.

I could be gone days, hours or even just minutes - no matter the time frame he always knew and always became extremely mad.

See my father was a raging alcoholic with a temper problem. I couldn't tell you the last time i saw him sober. Quite honestly i don't think it's something i've personally ever witnessed in my 18 years of life.

Now i know what you're thinking. 'You're 18 years old, you're an adult why are you still living with your father if he continues to treat you like shit?'

Well leaving is not a simple as you may think. I don't have a job so saving up money isn't an easy thing. Most of the savings i had in the bank from my grandparents is gone due to my father removing the money and using it mostly for himself.

He used the smallest amount of money on me as he possibly could. Just making sure there was something in the house to eat and when i needed a new clothes he'd give me a few dollars for that. That's how i saved up money, taking care of what i had and saving up what he gave me. But that was about it. So any money i get or find i put aside and save for my "big escape".

As soon as i graduated 2 months ago everything seemed to get worse. Which i didn't think was actually possible. My father stopped doing the minimal amount he had been doing in my life. He was never really like a parent to me. I was move of a slave to him.

Asking about my mother never went well. He would get extremely angry anytime i brought it up and it would always wind up with him beating me. Saying that it was my fault she left. That she ran away because i ruined the love she had for my father. I don't believe him though. I believe he abused her too and she finally got tired and left.

I'm not mad at her if that's what she did. I hope that's what she did. Because if he's lying and hurt her i don't even know what i'd do. It gives me hope to think she's still out there. If she had a chance to escape i'm glad she took it. Now it's my turn.

Taking the picture of my mother and I off of my dresser i stared at it briefly. It was from my second birthday party, according to my dad the picture was taken a few days before she left. So it's the most recent photo i have of her. Putting it into my backpack i zipped it up and slung it over my shoulder. Taking one last look around my room i sighed. I had filled one of my old school backpacks and an old duffle-bag with all my stuff and was ready to go.

Over the past four years i had saved up roughly over $2,000. It wasn't a lot, it wouldn't get me far but it's all i had to my name. I knew by some aspect it would help me get out and away from him and that's all i needed.

Grabbing the duffle bag i let out a deep breath. This was it. My last and only chance. I had to do this carefully and successfully because if he caught me running away for good. I wouldn't make it.

Tiptoeing down the hall i listened to figure out which room he was in. I could hear the TV in the living room on meaning this wasn't going to go smoothly. As soon as i'd hit the bottom of the stairs he'd see me. Then it would be all over.

As quietly as i could i walked down the stairs. Every little creak and crackle it made sounded deafeningly loud making me feel doomed. Once i was at the bottom of the stairs i let out a deep breath i hadn't realized to have been holding when i saw the empty couch. This indicating he was in the kitchen.

I took a break for it, making my way to the door as quickly as possible. But when the door opened it was louder than i was expecting it to be and my heart sank.

"Jenna!" My father called. I swear to god this man had hyper hearing or something.

"Y-yes?" I stuttered, hoping this would be the last nasty conversation i ever had with him.

Heavy footsteps came barreling down the hall and it took everything in me not to just straight up run out the door. I found myself needing to leave with some dignity left behind. Suddenly he was in front of me, beer and sandwich in hand as usual, staring me down.

"Where is it you think you're going?" He asked sipping from the bottle.

"Out," I said.

"With all that stuff?" He questioned. "Don't lie to me child you know how i don't like lying."

"I know you don't like lying." I swallowed hard. "I'm leaving now."

"You're what?" He asked furiously. "What do you mean by leaving?"

He neared me while clutching his beer bottle tightly. His face laced with anger and to be honest i was waiting for him to hit me. I was shocked when he didn't. My legs grew weak and i figured this was the end for me. I couldn't pull through with this. Could i?

"I'm leaving here an-and i'm never coming back." I stated.

"Who do you think you are? Your mother?" He chuckled devilishly. "Wanting to run off and leave me. Are you scared of me? You're more like me than you'd like to admit." He spat. "Answer me!" He tossed his bottle onto the floor causing it to shatter.

"I'm nothing like you." I said through gritted teeth.

"Clean that up and get back up to your room." He huffed.

"No." I stood firm. I wasn't going to let him treat me this way anymore.

"No? No? NO?! Did you just tell me no!?" He screamed.

Within seconds he started running towards me. So i did what i do best. I ran.

Out the front door and down our porch steps he followed me. Something was definitely off today, considering the difference in his erratic behavior. He NEVER chased me out of the house. We lived in the city and it was always busy so he never chanced getting seen doing what he did to me. By the time i reached the end of the street and he was still hot on my tail i knew i was screwed.

Rounding the corner i darted passed and between people trying to lose him. But every time i looked over my shoulder i could still see him following me. I could hear him yelling but was so focused on getting away i couldn't process what he was saying.

This brought to my attention how oblivious everyone else was. He clearly was chasing me and yelling at me, yet people didn't even bother to turn a head to see what was wrong. As i glanced back over my shoulder once more - my body collided with another almost knocking me over.

"Woah, are you okay?" The person asked grasping my shoulders to help me catch my balance. I was in such a state of panic i couldn't even make out if it was a man or woman.

"No! I need help please." I begged clutching onto them as i heard my fathers screaming voice growing louder - closer.

"Is he chasing you?" They asked worried, their voice clearly stating they were a guy now that i was more focused on having help.

"Yes," I felt tears brimming my eyes. "Please, please help i'm scared." I whispered my bottom lip trembling.

"Come on." He said.

The man grabbed my hand and started running. I felt safer now knowing someone was finally helping me. I also felt myself wanting to just break down and give up. So I tried focusing on the features of the stranger so if i lost them i could find them.

He had curly dirty blonde hair, and was wearing a green jacket. It was slightly damp from the rain we had had earlier in the day. I couldn't see his face seeing as i was behind him and i hadn't processed what he looked like when i was face to face with him. But i didn't have to worry about not recognizing his voice because he clearly had an Australian accent.

"Get in here quickly." He spoke softly.

He opened a door and motioned me into a big bus. Once he was inside with me with the door locked and i knew my dad couldn't get in i lost it. I dropped to the floor completely falling apart.

"You're alright you're safe in here i promise." He said coming over to comfort me.

Suddenly there was a loud banging on the door. For an older guy who drinks a lot he should could move fast.

"Jenna Andrews you come out here this instant!" He yelled through the door. I couldn't help but jump at his voice.

"Your name's Jenna?" He asked.

"Yes," i nodded.

"Alright Jenna well i'm Ashton and i'm going to help you okay?" All i could do was nod. "Did he hurt you?"

"I - he - yes." I stumbled over my words.

"Relax. The cops are on their way already he won't hurt you anymore." Ashton said.

"How? You didn't even call." I mumbled.

I finally could take in his facial features. He was around my age, had hazel eyes and dimples. He was quite cute actually but that was besides the point.

I was suddenly aware of 4 other people in the room. Three of them seemed to be around the same age as Ashton and I and the other guy looked to be a security guard. After a few seconds of looking at the boys i couldn't really place them. So i hung my head and sighed.

"Our security guards called in because he saw him chasing us." Ashton explained.

"I can't thank you enough for helping me." I said.

"No need to thank me. I'm surprised no one else tried helping you." He said rubbing my shoulder calmingly.

"People around here aren't too nice all the time. What are you guys here for?" I asked.

"We're a band from Australia," one of the other boys spoke up. "We have a few shows here over the next few weeks."

"Oh, thats cool." I smiled softly.

"This is Luke, Calum and Michael." Ashton pointed from a tall blonde boy, to a tan dark haired boy and lastly to a boy with very colorful hair.

"Hi," they said in unison.

"Hello." I waved.

There was then a knocking at the door. "The cops are here."

"I need to go talk with them." I mumbled. "Thank you again for your help."

"Hey, don't just leave once you're done okay? I want to make sure you're alright." Ashton smiled.

I nodded and thanked him once more. Taking a deep breath i got up and opened the door. There was a bunch of cops standing outside of the bus, intimidating me a little bit.

"Jenna Andrews?" One of them asked.

"That's me." I said.

"Is this man your father?" He asked pointing to the cop car my father was currently in the back of.

"Yes." I chocked back tears.

"Did he hurt you?" I nodded yes letting the tears fall once again. The officer sighed as he took in my appearance. "I'm going to need to get a statement from you so lets get inside where we can talk privately."


Today had probably been one of the hardest days of my life. Finally having to open up was hard. There was things that i needed to tell them that i so desperately tried to forget. They had asked me why i never told anyone, why i had never looked for help. I answered them honestly. I was too scared.

When they asked about my mother i just told them she wasn't in the picture anymore. That's something i wasn't ready to open up about yet. They informed me my father would be arrested and sent to court to figure out how long he'd be in jail and would be on probation and all that stuff.

They said they'd help set me up with a job and i could keep the apartment i lived in. Considering we owned it not rented, all i would have to do was pay bills for utilities. They were more than willing to work with me on that which was nice. I didn't really want to live there anymore though. There was too many bad memories. But until i saved up it's all i had.

Ashton and all of the other boys had been more than helpful letting the police do their questioning in the back of their tour bus. I'm honestly going to be eternally grateful for ever running into Ashton. So many people nowadays are of no help togethers unless it benefits them.

"Jenna?" Ashton's voice rang through the door.

"You can come in." I said. Standing up i gathered my things and got ready to go. Ashton furrowed his brows as he entered the room as he saw me collecting my stuff. "I'll be going now so i'm not in your guys' way. I'm sure you an abundant amount of more important things to be doing besides helping me."

"No, no, no you don't have to leave i was just coming to check on you." He explained closing the door. "And we actually have the day off so don't sweat it."

"Well thank you again for your help. I really thought i was screwed until i ran into and you were willing to help." I sighed.

"I'm glad i could help." He sat across from me at this little table they had set up.

"I just can't believe i'm finally free of him." I chuckled in disbelief rubbing my hands over my face. "Thank you."

"You don't have to keep thanking me." He smiled softly. "Are you okay though?"

"No, but hopefully soon i will be." I said. "Honestly i don't even want to go home."

"Well you can stay here tonight if you'd like." He offered.

"Oh no, no. I can't do that to you guys. I'll go home, i was just thinking out loud, sorry. I'm just not fond of the memories there ya know."

"Really Jenna if you're not comfortable going home you can stay here. It's not a big deal."

I thought about the offer. I finally had  someone who cared and was willing to help. I didn't know him well but i knew i couldn't afford to push people away any longer. Especially people who were willing to help. Maybe this could be the start of something good.

"Please stay, if not for you for me. I want to make sure you are alright. I don't want you to have to be alone after all you just went through today."

"Alright i'll stay the night. But that's it i don't want to be a bother."

"Great," he smiled softly. "You can sleep in one of the extra bunks back here. So you can make yourself comfortable. I'll just be out there with the other boys. We're gonna get some pizza so if you want to come out and eat with us you can. Also if you need someone to talk to you can gladly pull me aside at anytime okay?"

"Okay," i smiled. "Thanks."

"No need to-"

"No need to thank you i know. But you really don't know how much you've helped me today. So thank you." I sighed.

Ashton sighed and it looked like he debated whether to argue with me over not having to thank him but he gave up and smiled sweetly, "You're welcome Jenna."

Laying down on one of the bunks i sunk under the blanket. I took the photo of my mother and i out of my backpack and couldn't help but smile softly. Running my finger over it i sighed letting subtle tears roll down my cheeks.

"We're free, we're both free." I sighed placing the picture under the pillow before i decided on taking a short nap.

This was it. A new beginning.

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