chapter 2

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  Hearth POV
  "Worthless!" My father snarled at me, glaring.
  "You should have died, not Andiron. He deserved to live. I wish you had never been born. Disgrace, that's all you are boy." Then he kicked me. Over and over, he delivered solid, hard painful kicks to my ribs insulting me all the while. Sure  I couldn't hear him or read exactly what he said since he was moving while kicking me, but his lips were moving.
  Please Father.' I signed. Stop!' He looked down, making sure I could read his lips. He then proceeded to say, "Use your board." Punching my stomach with every word. Then he stormed out.
  I needed to leave. I lay on my cott inside the place I was supposed to call my room, my ribs aching from the recent encounter with my father. I winced, sitting up and glancing around.
  There was literally nothing I wanted to take with me. Besides the lighter I packed, the faster I could leave. All I needed was the clothes on my back, a few red gold and my runestones. And I was ready.
  I waited for my parents to go to bed before slipping out of the door, shutting it quietly by turning the knob and pulling it shut slowly. Then I was off. I went as fast as I could, my bruised ribs slowing me slightly.
  When I reached the well where Andi had died I paused for a moment to gaze sadly at the pile of rock over the well. Then I opened a portal and stepped onto the world tree.
  At first I made it ok, but gradually the pain from my bruised ribs and exhaustion caught up with me. The last thing I was aware of was falling through a hole and then complete darkness.
  The next thing I New, it felt as though I was being carried, running at a fast speed, and I could feel someone's heartbeat, which for some reason calmed me. I tried to fight to become conscious enough to open my eyes, but I just couldn't muster my strength. Giving up, I fell back into complete unawareness.
AN: Do you guys want longer chapters? I can try and do so. Please comment if you like it. Blitzstone101

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